Josh Bonkowsky
Josh Bonkowsky
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Brief resolved unexplained events (formerly apparent life-threatening events) and evaluation of lower-risk infants
JS Tieder, JL Bonkowsky, RA Etzel, WH Franklin, DA Gremse, B Herman, ...
Pediatrics 137 (5), 2016
The burden of inherited leukodystrophies in children
JL Bonkowsky, C Nelson, JL Kingston, FM Filloux, MB Mundorff, ...
Neurology 75 (8), 718-725, 2010
Trends in resource utilization by children with neurological impairment in the United States inpatient health care system: a repeat cross-sectional study
JG Berry, A Poduri, JL Bonkowsky, J Zhou, DA Graham, C Welch, ...
PLoS medicine 9 (1), e1001158, 2012
The conserved dopaminergic diencephalospinal tract mediates vertebrate locomotor development in zebrafish larvae
AM Lambert, JL Bonkowsky, MA Masino
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (39), 13488-13500, 2012
Hypoxaemia in acute respiratory and non-respiratory illnesses in neonates and children in a developing country
T Duke, AJ Blaschke, S Sialis, JL Bonkowsky
Archives of disease in childhood 86 (2), 108-112, 2002
Axon routing across the midline controlled by the Drosophila Derailed receptor
JL Bonkowsky, S Yoshikawa, DD O'Keefe, AL Scully, JB Thomas
Nature 402 (6761), 540-544, 1999
Heightened neurologic complications in children with pandemic H1N1 influenza
JJ Ekstrand, A Herbener, J Rawlings, B Turney, K Ampofo, EK Korgenski, ...
Annals of neurology 68 (5), 762-766, 2010
Natural history of vanishing white matter
EMC Hamilton, HDW van der Lei, G Vermeulen, JAM Gerver, ...
Annals of neurology 84 (2), 274-288, 2018
Management of apparent life-threatening events in infants: a systematic review
JS Tieder, RL Altman, JL Bonkowsky, DA Brand, I Claudius, ...
Pediatria Polska 89 (3), T15-T29, 2014
Death, child abuse, and adverse neurological outcome of infants after an apparent life-threatening event
JL Bonkowsky, E Guenther, FM Filloux, R Srivastava
Pediatrics 122 (1), 125-131, 2008
An Infant With Primary Tooth Loss and Palmar Hyperkeratosis: A Novel Mutation in the NTRK1 Gene Causing Congenital Insensitivity to Pain With Anhidrosis
JL Bonkowsky, J Johnson, JC Carey, AG Smith, KJ Swoboda
Pediatrics 112 (3), e237-e241, 2003
Recognition and management of acute flaccid myelitis in children
GR Nelson, JL Bonkowsky, E Doll, M Green, GL Hedlund, KR Moore, ...
Pediatric neurology 55, 17-21, 2016
Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in children: another reason to treat iron deficiency anemia
SL Benedict, JL Bonkowsky, JA Thompson, CB Van Orman, RS Boyer, ...
Journal of child neurology 19 (7), 526-531, 2004
Whole-genome analysis for effective clinical diagnosis and gene discovery in early infantile epileptic encephalopathy
BEP Ostrander, RJ Butterfield, BS Pedersen, AJ Farrell, RM Layer, ...
NPJ genomic medicine 3 (1), 22, 2018
Netrin-DCC, Robo-Slit, and heparan sulfate proteoglycans coordinate lateral positioning of longitudinal dopaminergic diencephalospinal axons
E Kastenhuber, U Kern, JL Bonkowsky, CB Chien, W Driever, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (28), 8914-8926, 2009
Molecular cloning and developmental expression of foxP2 in zebrafish
JL Bonkowsky, CB Chien
Developmental Dynamics 234 (3), 740-746, 2005
Homeodomain protein otp and activity-dependent splicing modulate neuronal adaptation to stress
L Amir-Zilberstein, J Blechman, Y Sztainberg, WHJ Norton, A Reuveny, ...
Neuron 73 (2), 279-291, 2012
Metamizole use by Latino immigrants: a common and potentially harmful home remedy
JL Bonkowsky, JK Frazer, KF Buchi, CL Byington
Pediatrics 109 (6), e98-e98, 2002
The hypothalamic neuropeptide oxytocin is required for formation of the neurovascular interface of the pituitary
A Gutnick, J Blechman, J Kaslin, L Herwig, HG Belting, M Affolter, ...
Developmental cell 21 (4), 642-654, 2011
Revised consensus statement on the preventive and symptomatic care of patients with leukodystrophies
LA Adang, O Sherbini, L Ball, M Bloom, A Darbari, H Amartino, D DiVito, ...
Molecular genetics and metabolism 122 (1-2), 18-32, 2017
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