David Patel
Cited by
Cited by
Design, analysis, and transmission system performance of a 41 GHz silicon photonic modulator
D Patel, S Ghosh, M Chagnon, A Samani, V Veerasubramanian, ...
Optics express 23 (11), 14263-14287, 2015
Optimization of thermo-optic phase-shifter design and mitigation of thermal crosstalk on the SOI platform
M Jacques, A Samani, E El-Fiky, D Patel, Z Xing, DV Plant
Optics express 27 (8), 10456-10471, 2019
A low-voltage 35-GHz silicon photonic modulator-enabled 112-Gb/s transmission system
A Samani, M Chagnon, D Patel, V Veerasubramanian, S Ghosh, ...
IEEE Photonics Journal 7 (3), 1-13, 2015
Focusing-curved subwavelength grating couplers for ultra-broadband silicon photonics optical interfaces
Q Zhong, V Veerasubramanian, Y Wang, W Shi, D Patel, S Ghosh, ...
Optics express 22 (15), 18224-18231, 2014
Silicon photonic segmented modulator-based electro-optic DAC for 100 Gb/s PAM-4 generation
D Patel, A Samani, V Veerasubramanian, S Ghosh, DV Plant
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (23), 2433-2436, 2015
Experimental parametric study of 128 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission system using a multi-electrode silicon photonic Mach Zehnder modulator
A Samani, D Patel, M Chagnon, E El-Fiky, R Li, M Jacques, N Abadía, ...
Optics express 25 (12), 13252-13262, 2017
Polarization beam splitter based on MMI coupler with SWG birefringence engineering on SOI
L Xu, Y Wang, A Kumar, D Patel, E El-Fiky, Z Xing, R Li, DV Plant
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (4), 403-406, 2018
A silicon photonic PAM-4 modulator based on dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder interferometers
A Samani, V Veerasubramanian, E El-Fiky, D Patel, DV Plant
IEEE Photonics Journal 8 (1), 1-10, 2015
High-speed compact silicon photonic Michelson interferometric modulator
D Patel, V Veerasubramanian, S Ghosh, A Samani, Q Zhong, DV Plant
Optics express 22 (22), 26788-26802, 2014
800Gbps Fully Integrated Silicon Photonics Transmitter for Data Center Applications
H Yu, D Patel, W Liu, Y Malinge, P Dousssiere, W Lin, S Gupta
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, M2D.7, 2022
Tunable nanophotonic delay lines using linearly chirped contradirectional couplers with uniform Bragg gratings
W Shi, V Veerasubramanian, D Patel, DV Plant
Optics letters 39 (3), 701-703, 2014
Silicon photonic Mach–Zehnder modulator architectures for on chip PAM-4 signal generation
A Samani, E El-Fiky, M Morsy-Osman, R Li, D Patel, T Hoang, M Jacques, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (13), 2989-2999, 2019
Digital signal processing for dual-polarization intensity and interpolarization phase modulation formats using stokes detection
M Chagnon, M Morsy-Osman, D Patel, V Veerasubramanian, A Samani, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (1), 188-195, 2015
High-speed low-chirp PAM-4 transmission based on push-pull silicon photonic microring modulators
R Li, D Patel, E El-Fiky, A Samani, Z Xing, M Morsy-Osman, DV Plant
Optics express 25 (12), 13222-13229, 2017
1λ, 6 bits/symbol, 280 and 350 Gb/s direct detection transceiver using intensity modulation, polarization multiplexing, and inter-polarization phase modulation
M Chagnon, M Osman, D Patel, V Veerasubramanian, A Samani, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th5B. 2, 2015
400 Gb/s O-band silicon photonic transmitter for intra-datacenter optical interconnects
E El-Fiky, A Samani, D Patel, M Jacques, M Sowailem, DV Plant
Optics express 27 (7), 10258-10268, 2019
Highly fabrication tolerant InP based polarization beam splitter based on pin structure
N Abadía, X Dai, Q Lu, WH Guo, D Patel, DV Plant, JF Donegan
Optics express 25 (9), 10070-10077, 2017
Segmented silicon MZM for PAM-8 transmissions at 114 Gb/s with binary signaling
AD Simard, B Filion, D Patel, D Plant, S LaRochelle
Optics express 24 (17), 19467-19472, 2016
400-G single carrier 500-km transmission with an InP dual polarization IQ modulator
MYS Sowailem, TM Hoang, M Morsy-Osman, M Chagnon, D Patel, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28 (11), 1213-1216, 2016
Silicon photonic ring-assisted MZI for 50 Gb/s DAC-less and DSP-free PAM-4 transmission
R Li, D Patel, A Samani, E El-Fiky, Z Xing, M Morsy-Osman, DV Plant
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 (12), 1046-1049, 2017
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Articles 1–20