Bruce S Tether
Bruce S Tether
Manchester Business School and Institute of Innovation Research
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Cited by
Who co-operates for innovation, and why: an empirical analysis
BS Tether
Research policy 31 (6), 947-967, 2002
Do services innovate (differently)? Insights from the European innobarometer survey
BS Tether
Industry & Innovation 12 (2), 153-184, 2005
Beyond industry–university links: Sourcing knowledge for innovation from consultants, private research organisations and the public science-base
BS Tether, A Tajar
Research Policy 37 (6-7), 1079-1095, 2008
New technology-based firms in the European Union: an introduction
DJ Storey, BS Tether
Research policy 26 (9), 933-946, 1998
Public policy measures to support new technology-based firms in the European Union
DJ Storey, BS Tether
Research policy 26 (9), 1037-1057, 1998
Design-inspired innovation
BA Vedin, E Alvarez, S Ekman
World Scientific, 2006
The organisational-cooperation mode of innovation and its prominence amongst European service firms
BS Tether, A Tajar
Research policy 37 (4), 720-739, 2008
The sources and aims of innovation in services: variety between and within sectors
BS Tether∗
Economics of Innovation and new technology 12 (6), 481-505, 2003
Analysing distributed processes of provision and innovation
R Coombs, M Harvey, BS Tether
Industrial and corporate change 12 (6), 1125-1155, 2003
The incidence and effects of innovation in services: evidence from Germany
C Hipp, BS Tether, I Miles
International journal of innovation management 4 (04), 417-453, 2000
Innovation in Services: Issues at Stake and Trends.
J Howells, B Tether, F Gallouj, F Djellal, C Gallouj, K Blind, J Edler, ...
European Commission, 2004
Small and large firms: sources of unequal innovations?
BS Tether
Research policy 27 (7), 725-745, 1998
Standardisation and particularisation in services: evidence from Germany
BS Tether, C Hipp, I Miles
Research Policy 30 (7), 1115-1138, 2001
Knowledge intensive, technical and other services: patterns of competitiveness and innovation compared
BS Tether, C Hipp
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 14 (2), 163-182, 2002
Innovation in services: An overview
A Salter, BS Tether
Managing services: Challenges and innovation, 134-153, 2014
A literature review on skills and innovation. How does successful innovation impact on the demand for skills and how do skills drive innovation
B Tether, A Mina, D Consoli, D Gagliardi
ESRC Centre on Innovation and Competition, University of Manchester, 2005
Project risk management and design flexibility: Analysing a case and conditions of complementarity
N Gil, BS Tether
Research policy 40 (3), 415-428, 2011
Services and systems of innovation
BS Tether, JS Metcalfe
Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major …, 2004
Towards understanding variety in knowledge intensive business services by distinguishing their knowledge bases
K Pina, BS Tether
Research Policy 45 (2), 401-413, 2016
What is innovation?: Approaches to distinguishing new products and processes from existing products and processes
BS Tether
Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition, University of Manchester, 2003
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Articles 1–20