Samira Van Bohemen
Samira Van Bohemen
Associate professor of cultural sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Cited by
Unknowing but supportive? Predispositions, knowledge, and support for hydrogen technology in the Netherlands
P Achterberg, D Houtman, S Van Bohemen, K Manevska
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (12), 6075-6083, 2010
Progressiveness and the new right: The electoral relevance of culturally progressive values in the Netherlands
W De Koster, P Achterberg, J Van der Waal, S Van Bohemen, R Kemmers
West European Politics 37 (3), 584-604, 2014
Euroscepticism among Dutch Leftist and Rightist Populist Constituencies: How can the U‐Curve be Understood?
S Van Bohemen, W De Koster, J Van der Waal
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (2), 371-387, 2019
Music as a resource for the sexual self: An exploration of how young people in the Netherlands use music for good sex
S Van Bohemen, L Den Hertog, L van Zoonen
Poetics 66, 19-29, 2018
Secular intolerance in a post-Christian society: The case of Islam in the Netherlands
S Van Bohemen, R Kemmers, W De Koster
Paradoxes of individualization: Social control, social exclusion and social …, 2011
Negotiating gender through fun and play: Radical femininity and fantasy in the Red Hat Society
S van Bohemen, L van Zoonen, S Aupers
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 43 (5), 582-600, 2014
Seculiere intolerantie. Morele progressiviteit en afwijzing van de islam in Nederland
S Van Bohemen, R Kemmers, W de Koster
Sociologie 8 (2), 2012
Spirituality and Environmental Consciousness in the Netherlands: A Comparison of Holistic Spirituality and Christian Dualism.
S van Bohemen, P Achterberg, D Houtman, K Manevska
London: Routledge, 2012
Techno’s sexual counter-space: Ecstasy and electronics as technologies of White sex
S Van Bohemen, A Roeling
Cultural Sociology 14 (1), 42-60, 2020
Performing the ‘fun’self: How members of the Red Hat Society negotiate cultural discourses of femininity and ageing
S van Bohemen, L van Zoonen, S Aupers
European Journal of Cultural Studies 16 (4), 424-439, 2013
Doing culture and diversity justice: Using peer-to-peer ethnography in research on young people, ethnicity and sexuality
S van Bohemen
Poetics 91, 101615, 2022
The Sex Playlist: How Race and Ethnicity Mediate Musically “Composed” Sexual Self-Formation
S van Bohemen, J Schaap, P Berkers
Popular Music, Technology, and the Changing Media Ecosystem: From Cassettes …, 2020
Progressieve waarden nauwelijks van belang voor PVV-stemmers
W Koster, R Kemmers, S van Bohemen
Trouw, 2013
The civil savage: How young people living rurally ‘do’distinction at regional festivals in the Netherlands
S van Bohemen, S de Graaf
Sociology 56 (5), 998-1014, 2022
Goede seks als flow ervaring. Universele psychosociale patronen in de seksualiteitsbeleving van jongvolwassenen
S van Bohemen
One with the underdogs? Over subculturele stijl en individuele expressie in de hardcore punk
M Bevers, S van Bohemen
Sociologie 12 (1), 2016
“Wij zijn ons eigen doel”. Kritische vertogen over vrouwelijkheid en leeftijd bij de Red Hat Society
S van Bohemen
Sociologie 9 (1), 2013
The (re) production of ‘normal’sexuality: a study of sexuality education for students with psychological and behavioural challenges in the Netherlands
E Fritz, S van Bohemen
Sex Education, 1-16, 2024
Framing the Windows of Prostitution: Unfolding Histories in Amsterdam’s Redesign of Its Famous Red-Light District
S Fijen, S van Bohemen
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 21 (2), 514-526, 2024
The (Re) production of ‘Normal’Sexuality: A Study on Sexuality Education for Students with Disabilities
E Fritz, S van Bohemen
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Articles 1–20