F.I. Pelupessy
F.I. Pelupessy
Netherlands eScience Center
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Multi-physics simulations using a hierarchical interchangeable software interface
SFP Zwart, SLW McMillan, A van Elteren, FI Pelupessy, N de Vries
Computer Physics Communications 184 (3), 456-468, 2013
The astrophysical multipurpose software environment
FI Pelupessy, A Van Elteren, N De Vries, SLW McMillan, N Drost, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 557, A84, 2013
Modelling the formation and evolution of star cluster populations in galaxy simulations
JMD Kruijssen, FI Pelupessy, HJ Lamers, SF Portegies Zwart, V Icke
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 414 (2), 1339-1364, 2011
How rapidly do supermassive black hole “seeds” grow at early times?
FI Pelupessy, T Di Matteo, B Ciardi
The Astrophysical Journal 665 (1), 107, 2007
Formation versus destruction: the evolution of the star cluster population in galaxy mergers
JMD Kruijssen, FI Pelupessy, HJ Lamers, SF Portegies Zwart, N Bastian, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421 (3), 1927-1941, 2012
How to assess the relative importance of different colonization routes of pathogens within hospital settings
I Pelupessy, MJM Bonten, O Diekmann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (8), 5601-5605, 2002
The radiation driven winds of rotating B[e] supergiants
I Pelupessy, HJGLM Lamers, JS Vink
Astronomy & Astrophysics 359 (695), 2000
Incorporating the molecular gas phase in galaxy-sized numerical simulations: first applications in dwarf galaxies
FI Pelupessy, PP Papadopoulos, P van der Werf
The Astrophysical Journal 645 (2), 1024, 2006
Periodic bursts of star formation in irregular galaxies
FI Pelupessy, PP Van Der Werf, V Icke
Astronomy & Astrophysics 422 (1), 55-64, 2004
The evolution of embedded star clusters
FI Pelupessy, S Portegies Zwart
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420 (2), 1503-1517, 2012
sphray: a smoothed particle hydrodynamics ray tracer for radiative transfer
G Altay, RAC Croft, I Pelupessy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (4), 1931-1946, 2008
Molecular gas, CO, and star formation in galaxies: emergent empirical relations, feedback, and the evolution of very gas-rich systems
FI Pelupessy, PP Papadopoulos
The Astrophysical Journal 707 (2), 954, 2009
N-body integrators with individual time steps from Hierarchical splitting
FI Pelupessy, J Jänes, SP Zwart
New Astronomy 17 (8), 711-719, 2012
Diagnostics of the molecular component of photon-dominated regions with mechanical heating
MV Kazandjian, R Meijerink, I Pelupessy, FP Israel, M Spaans
Astronomy & Astrophysics 542, A65, 2012
Density estimators in particle hydrodynamics-DTFE versus regular SPH
FI Pelupessy, WE Schaap
Astronomy & Astrophysics 403 (2), 389-398, 2003
Survivability of planetary systems in young and dense star clusters
A van Elteren, SP Zwart, I Pelupessy, MX Cai, SLW McMillan
Astronomy & Astrophysics 624, A120, 2019
The origin of interstellar asteroidal objects like 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua
S Portegies Zwart, S Torres, I Pelupessy, J Bédorf, MX Cai
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 479 (1), L17-L22, 2018
The escape of ionising radiation from high-redshift dwarf galaxies
JP Paardekooper, FI Pelupessy, G Altay, CJH Kruip
Astronomy & Astrophysics 530, A87, 2011
Gone with the wind: the impact of wind mass transfer on the orbital evolution of AGB binary systems
MI Saladino, OR Pols, E van der Helm, I Pelupessy, SP Zwart
Astronomy & Astrophysics 618, A50, 2018
The formation of planets in circumbinary discs
FI Pelupessy, SP Zwart
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429 (1), 895-902, 2013
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Articles 1–20