Liesbeth van der Heide
Liesbeth van der Heide
Researcher / Lecturer, Leiden University
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Reintegrating terrorists in the Netherlands: Evaluating the Dutch approach
L Van der Heide, B Schuurman
Journal for Deradicalization, 196-239, 2018
The Practitioner's guide to the galaxy: a comparison of risk assessment tools for violent extremism
L Van der Heide, M Van der Zwan, M Van Leyenhorst
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 2019
Children of the caliphate: Young IS returnees and the reintegration challenge
L Van Der Heide, J Geenen
ICCT, 2017
Foreign fighter returnees & the reintegration challenge
B Schuurman, L Van der Heide
Radicalisation Awareness Network, 2016
Rehabilitation for Foreign Fighters? Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice Sector
E Entenmann, V der Heide, E J., D Weggemans, J Dorsey
ICCT Policy Brief 6 (5), 27, 2016
The Anders Behring Breivik Trial: Performing Justice, Defending Democracy
BA de Graaf, EJ van der Heide, S Wanmaker, DJ Weggemans
ICCT Research Paper, 2013
Individual terrorism: Indicators of lone operators
EJ van der Heide
Suburban Bliss or Disillusionment - Why Do Terrorists Quit?
L Van der Heide, R Huurman
Journal for Deradicalization 8, 1-24, 2016
Cherry-picked intelligence. The weapons of mass destruction dispositive as a legitimation for national security in the post 9/11 age
L Van der Heide
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 286-307, 2013
Escalating complexity in regional conflicts: connecting geopolitics to individual pathways to terrorism in Mali
E Dal Santo, EJ van der Heide
African security 11 (3), 274-291, 2018
Preventing Terrorism in the Courtroom – The Criminalisation of Preparatory Acts of Terrorism in the Netherlands
L Van der Heide, J Geenen
Security and Human Rights 26, 162-192, 2016
Re-integratie van delinquenten met een extremistische achtergrond: evaluatie van de Nederlands aanpak
L Van der Heide, B Schuurman
ISGA Report, Leiden, 2018
The Dutch approach to extremist offenders
L van der Heide, O Kearney
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), 2020
Performing Justice, Coping with Trauma: The Trial of Anders Breivik, 2012
T Bjorgo, B De Graaf, L van der Heide, C Hemmingby, D Weggemans
Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective, 455-500, 2016
Homecoming: Considerations for Rehabilitating and Reintegrating Islamic State-Affiliated Minors
L Heide, A Alexander
Combating Terrorim Center at West Point, 2020
Fusion centres in six european countries: emergence, roles and challenges
R van der Veer, W Bos, L van der Heide
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 2019
Last Frontier: Prisons and Violent Extremism in Mali
L Van Der Heide, J Coleman
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism., 2020
Cost of Crying Victory: Policy Implications of the Islamic State's Territorial Collapse
L Van der Heide, C Winter, S Maher
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism., 2022
Juvenile Violent Extremist Offenders: Peer Pressure or Seasoned Soldiers?
L van der Heide
Introduction to preventism in security
L Van der Heide, J Van Buuren
Security and Human Rights 26 (2-4), 123-125, 2015
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