Bernard Ries
Cited by
Cited by
Blockers and transversals
R Zenklusen, B Ries, C Picouleau, D De Werra, MC Costa, C Bentz
Discrete Mathematics 309 (13), 4306-4314, 2009
On some applications of the selective graph coloring problem
M Demange, T Ekim, B Ries, C Tanasescu
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (2), 307-314, 2015
Analyzing the performance of greedy maximal scheduling via local pooling and graph theory
B Birand, M Chudnovsky, B Ries, P Seymour, G Zussman, Y Zwols
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Wireless of the students, by the …, 2010
Colouring vertices of triangle-free graphs without forests
KK Dabrowski, V Lozin, R Raman, B Ries
Discrete Mathematics 312 (7), 1372-1385, 2012
Blockers and transversals in some subclasses of bipartite graphs: when caterpillars are dancing on a grid
B Ries, C Bentz, C Picouleau, D de Werra, MC Costa, R Zenklusen
Discrete Mathematics 310 (1), 132-146, 2010
On the complexity of the selective graph coloring problem in some special classes of graphs
M Demange, J Monnot, P Pop, B Ries
Theoretical Computer Science 540, 89-102, 2014
Multiple Referenda and Multiwinner Elections Using Hamming Distances: Complexity and Manipulability.
G Amanatidis, N Barrot, J Lang, E Markakis, B Ries
AAMAS 15, 715-723, 2015
The firefighter problem with more than one firefighter on trees
C Bazgan, M Chopin, B Ries
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (7-8), 899-908, 2013
Coloring some classes of mixed graphs
B Ries
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (1), 1-6, 2007
Some properties of edge intersection graphs of single-bend paths on a grid
A Asinowski, B Ries
Discrete Mathematics 312 (2), 427-440, 2012
On the maximum independent set problem in subclasses of subcubic graphs
V Lozin, J Monnot, B Ries
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 31, 104-112, 2015
Coloring graphs characterized by a forbidden subgraph
PA Golovach, D Paulusma, B Ries
Discrete Applied Mathematics 180, 101-110, 2015
Characterizations of cographs as intersection graphs of paths on a grid
E Cohen, MC Golumbic, B Ries
Discrete Applied Mathematics 178, 46-57, 2014
On two coloring problems in mixed graphs
B Ries, D de Werra
European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (3), 712-725, 2008
Semitotal domination: New hardness results and a polynomial-time algorithm for graphs of bounded mim-width
E Galby, A Munaro, B Ries
Theoretical Computer Science 814, 28-48, 2020
Reducing the clique and chromatic number via edge contractions and vertex deletions
D Paulusma, C Picouleau, B Ries
Combinatorial Optimization: 4th International Symposium, ISCO 2016, Vietri …, 2016
Dominating induced matchings in graphs containing no long claw
A Hertz, V Lozin, B Ries, V Zamaraev, D de Werra
Journal of Graph Theory 88 (1), 18-39, 2018
Blockers for the stability number and the chromatic number
C Bazgan, C Bentz, C Picouleau, B Ries
Graphs and Combinatorics 31, 73-90, 2015
On the intersection graphs of orthogonal line segments in the plane: characterizations of some subclasses of chordal graphs
MC Golumbic, B Ries
Graphs and Combinatorics 29, 499-517, 2013
Possible winners in approval voting
N Barrot, L Gourves, J Lang, J Monnot, B Ries
Algorithmic Decision Theory: Third International Conference, ADT 2013 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20