Yao-Chuen Li
Yao-Chuen Li
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, China Medical University, Taiwan
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Cardiopulmonary fitness and endurance in children with developmental coordination disorder
SK Wu, HH Lin, YC Li, CL Tsai, J Cairney
Research in developmental disabilities 31 (2), 345-349, 2010
Motor coordination and health-related physical fitness of children with developmental coordination disorder: A three-year follow-up study
YC Li, SK Wu, J Cairney, CY Hsieh
Research in Developmental Disabilities 32 (6), 2993-3002, 2011
The impact of online learning on physical and mental health in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic
YH Chu, YC Li
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (5), 2966, 2022
Is auditory perceptual timing a core deficit of developmental coordination disorder?
LJ Trainor, A Chang, J Cairney, YC Li
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1423 (1), 30-39, 2018
High risk for obesity in children with a subtype of developmental coordination disorder
YC Zhu, J Cairney, YC Li, WY Chen, FC Chen, SK Wu
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (7), 1727-1733, 2014
A test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder
YC Li, MYW Kwan, HJ Clark, J Hay, BE Faught, J Cairney
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 37, 244-250, 2018
Inferior auditory time perception in children with motor difficulties
A Chang, YC Li, JF Chan, DG Dotov, J Cairney, LJ Trainor
Child Development 92 (5), e907-e923, 2021
Sensory processing impairments in children with developmental coordination disorder
HT Tran, YC Li, HY Lin, SD Lee, PJ Wang
Children 9 (10), 1443, 2022
Moderating effects of physical activity and global self-worth on internalizing problems in school-aged children with developmental coordination disorder
YC Li, JD Graham, J Cairney
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1740, 2018
Determinants of Physical Activity during Early Childhood: A Systematic Review.
YC Li, MYW Kwan, S King-Dowling, J Cairney
Advances in Physical Education 5 (2), 116-127, 2015
Effects of cognitive control exertion and motor coordination on task self-efficacy and muscular endurance performance in children
JD Graham, YC Li, SR Bray, J Cairney
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 379, 2018
The longitudinal relationship between generalized self-efficacy and physical activity in school-aged children
YC Li, D Joshi, S King-Dowling, J Hay, BE Faught, J Cairney
European journal of sport science 18 (4), 569-578, 2018
Motor coordination problems and psychological distress in young adults: A test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis
YC Li, MYW Kwan, J Cairney
Research in developmental disabilities 84, 112-121, 2019
Pulmonary function in children with development coordination disorder
SK Wu, J Cairney, HH Lin, YC Li, TF Song
Research in developmental disabilities 32 (3), 1232-1239, 2011
Does physical activity and BMI mediate the association between DCD and internalizing problems in early childhood? A partial test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis
YC Li, MYW Kwan, S King-Dowling, MC Rodriguez, J Cairney
Human Movement Science 75, 102744, 2021
External focus of attention concurrently elicits optimal performance of suprapostural pole-holding task and postural stability in children with developmental coordination disorder
LL Li, YC Li, CH Chu, CY Pan, FC Chen
Neuroscience letters 703, 32-37, 2019
Postural control of anteroposterior and mediolateral sway in children with probable developmental coordination disorder
FC Chen, CL Tsai, WD Chang, YC Li, CL Chou, SK Wu
Pediatric Physical Therapy 27 (4), 328-335, 2015
Motor Coordination and Moderate-To-Vigorous Physical Activity in Emerging Adults: Mediating Effect of Physical Self-Concept
YC Li, D Chirico, JD Graham, MYW Kwan, J Cairney
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (11), 3748, 2020
The Impact of the Olympics on Regular Season Team Performance in the National Hockey League.
J Cairney, D Joshi, YC Li, MYW Kwan
J Athl Enhancement 4 (6), 2015
台灣 11-12 歲兒童族群發展協調障礙盛行率之探討
李曜全, 蔡佳良, 吳昇光
健康促進科學 2 (1), 55-67, 2007
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