Fredrik Jansson
Fredrik Jansson
Postdoc at TU Delft
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Morphogenesis in robot swarms
I Slavkov, D Carrillo-Zapata, N Carranza, X Diego, F Jansson, J Kaandorp, ...
Science Robotics 3 (25), eaau9178, 2018
Clouds and convective self‐aggregation in a multimodel ensemble of radiative‐convective equilibrium simulations
AA Wing, CL Stauffer, T Becker, KA Reed, MS Ahn, NP Arnold, S Bony, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (9), e2020MS002138, 2020
Calculating the efficiency of exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor
SD Baranovskii, M Wiemer, AV Nenashev, F Jansson, F Gebhard
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (9), 1214-1221, 2012
Theory of exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor
AV Nenashev, SD Baranovskii, M Wiemer, F Jansson, R Österbacka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (3), 035210, 2011
Tuning the electrical switching of polymer/fullerene nanocomposite thin film devices by control of morphology
A Laiho, HS Majumdar, JK Baral, F Jansson, R Österbacka, O Ikkala
Applied physics letters 93 (20), 2008
Effect of electric field on diffusion in disordered materials. II. Two-and three-dimensional hopping transport
AV Nenashev, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, R Österbacka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (11), 115204, 2010
Effective temperature for hopping transport in a Gaussian density of states
F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, F Gebhard, R Österbacka
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (19), 195211, 2008
Effect of electric field on diffusion in disordered materials. I. One-dimensional hopping transport
AV Nenashev, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, R Österbacka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (11), 115203, 2010
On the efficiency of exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor
M Wiemer, AV Nenashev, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii
Applied Physics Letters 99 (1), 2011
Advanced percolation solution for hopping conductivity
AV Nenashev, F Jansson, JO Oelerich, D Huemmer, AV Dvurechenskii, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (23), 235204, 2013
Kilombo: a Kilobot simulator to enable effective research in swarm robotics
F Jansson, M Hartley, M Hinsch, I Slavkov, N Carranza, TSG Olsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.04285, 2015
Hopping conduction in strong electric fields: Negative differential conductivity
AV Nenashev, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, R Österbacka, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165207, 2008
Energy position of the transport path in disordered organic semiconductors
JO Oelerich, F Jansson, AV Nenashev, F Gebhard, SD Baranovskii
Journal of Physics: condensed matter 26 (25), 255801, 2014
Regional superparameterization in a global circulation model using large eddy simulations
F Jansson, G van den Oord, I Pelupessy, JH Grönqvist, AP Siebesma, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (9), 2958-2979, 2019
Role of diffusion in two-dimensional bimolecular recombination
AV Nenashev, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, R Österbacka, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (21), 2010
Description of charge transport in disordered organic materials
SD Baranovskii, O Rubel, F Jansson, R Österbacka
Organic Electronics, 1-28, 2010
VECMAtk: a scalable verification, validation and uncertainty quantification toolkit for scientific simulations
D Groen, H Arabnejad, V Jancauskas, WN Edeling, F Jansson, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2197), 20200221, 2021
Quantification of complex modular architecture in plants
C Reeb, J Kaandorp, F Jansson, N Puillandre, JY Dubuisson, R Cornette, ...
New Phytologist 218 (2), 859-872, 2018
Theory to exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor
AV Nenashev, M Wiemer, F Jansson, SD Baranovskii
Journal of non-crystalline solids 358 (17), 2508-2511, 2012
Effective temperature for hopping transport in a Gaussian DOS
F Jansson, SD Baranovskii, G Sliaužys, R Österbacka, P Thomas
physica status solidi c 5 (3), 722-724, 2008
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Articles 1–20