Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex A Bechara, AR Damasio, H Damasio, SW Anderson Cognition 50 (1-3), 7-15, 1994 | 8790 | 1994 |
Deciding advantageously before knowing the advantageous strategy A Bechara, H Damasio, D Tranel, AR Damasio Science 275 (5304), 1293-1295, 1997 | 5653 | 1997 |
Emotion, decision making and the orbitofrontal cortex A Bechara, H Damasio, AR Damasio Cerebral cortex 10 (3), 295-307, 2000 | 5590 | 2000 |
Subcortical and cortical brain activity during the feeling of self-generated emotions AR Damasio, TJ Grabowski, A Bechara, H Damasio, LLB Ponto, J Parvizi, ... Nature neuroscience 3 (10), 1049-1056, 2000 | 3301 | 2000 |
The somatic marker hypothesis: A neural theory of economic decision A Bechara, AR Damasio Games and economic behavior 52 (2), 336-372, 2005 | 3022 | 2005 |
Different contributions of the human amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex to decision-making A Bechara, H Damasio, AR Damasio, GP Lee Journal of neuroscience 19 (13), 5473-5481, 1999 | 2916 | 1999 |
Decision making, impulse control and loss of willpower to resist drugs: a neurocognitive perspective A Bechara Nature neuroscience 8 (11), 1458-1463, 2005 | 2879 | 2005 |
Characterization of the decision-making deficit of patients with ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions A Bechara, D Tranel, H Damasio Brain 123 (11), 2189-2202, 2000 | 2769 | 2000 |
Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortek SW Anderson, A Bechara, H Damasio, D Tranel, AR Damasio Social neuroscience, 29-39, 2013 | 2595 | 2013 |
Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans A Bechara, D Tranel, H Damasio, R Adolphs, C Rockland, AR Damasio Science 269 (5227), 1115-1118, 1995 | 2272 | 1995 |
The role of emotion in decision-making: Evidence from neurological patients with orbitofrontal damage A Bechara Brain and cognition 55 (1), 30-40, 2004 | 1909 | 2004 |
Failure to respond autonomically to anticipated future outcomes following damage to prefrontal cortex A Bechara, D Tranel, H Damasio, AR Damasio Cerebral cortex 6 (2), 215-225, 1996 | 1881 | 1996 |
Dissociation of working memory from decision making within the human prefrontal cortex A Bechara, H Damasio, D Tranel, SW Anderson Journal of neuroscience 18 (1), 428-437, 1998 | 1671 | 1998 |
Decision-making deficits, linked to a dysfunctional ventromedial prefrontal cortex, revealed in alcohol and stimulant abusers A Bechara, S Dolan, N Denburg, A Hindes, SW Anderson, PE Nathan Neuropsychologia 39 (4), 376-389, 2001 | 1557 | 2001 |
Damage to the insula disrupts addiction to cigarette smoking NH Naqvi, D Rudrauf, H Damasio, A Bechara Science 315 (5811), 531-534, 2007 | 1460 | 2007 |
Decision-making and addiction (part I): impaired activation of somatic states in substance dependent individuals when pondering decisions with negative future consequences A Bechara, H Damasio Neuropsychologia 40 (10), 1675-1689, 2002 | 1265 | 2002 |
The Iowa Gambling Task and the somatic marker hypothesis: some questions and answers A Bechara, H Damasio, D Tranel, AR Damasio Trends in cognitive sciences 9 (4), 159-162, 2005 | 1220 | 2005 |
Exploring the neurological substrate of emotional and social intelligence R Bar‐On, D Tranel, NL Denburg, A Bechara Brain 126 (8), 1790-1800, 2003 | 1103 | 2003 |
The hidden island of addiction: the insula NH Naqvi, A Bechara Trends in neurosciences 32 (1), 56-67, 2009 | 995 | 2009 |
Differential effects of insular and ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions on risky decision-making L Clark, A Bechara, H Damasio, MRF Aitken, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins Brain 131 (5), 1311-1322, 2008 | 827 | 2008 |