Marcia A. Inda
Marcia A. Inda
BIOVIA, Dassault Systèmes
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Cited by
Cited by
Selection of personalized patient therapy through the use of knowledge-based computational models that identify tumor-driving signal transduction pathways
W Verhaegh, H van Ooijen, MA Inda, P Hatzis, R Versteeg, M Smid, ...
Cancer research 74 (11), 2936-2945, 2014
Collaborative e-science experiments and scientific workflows
A Belloum, MA Inda, D Vasunin, V Korkhov, Z Zhao, H Rauwerda, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 15 (4), 39-47, 2011
Enabling precision medicine by unravelling disease pathophysiology: Quantifying signal transduction pathway activity across cell and tissue types
A van de Stolpe, L Holtzer, H van Ooijen, MA de Inda, W Verhaegh
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-15, 2019
Estrogen Receptor Pathway Activity Score to Predict Clinical Response or Resistance to Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy in Primary Breast Cancer
MA Inda, EJ Blok, PJK Kuppen, A Charehbili, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 19 (2), 680-689, 2020
A simple and efficient parallel FFT algorithm using the BSP model
MA Inda, RH Bisseling
Parallel Computing 27 (14), 1847-1878, 2001
A sensitivity analysis of a personalized pulse wave propagation model for arteriovenous fistula surgery. Part A: Identification of most influential model parameters
W Huberts, C de Jonge, WPM van der Linden, MA Inda, JHM Tordoir, ...
Medical engineering & physics 35 (6), 810-826, 2013
VLAM-G: Interactive data driven workflow engine for Grid-enabled resources
V Korkhov, D Vasyunin, A Wibisono, ASZ Belloum, MA Inda, M Roos, ...
Scientific Programming 15 (3), 173-188, 2007
Oestrogen receptor pathway activity is associated with outcome in endometrial cancer
WJ van Weelden, LJM van der Putten, MA Inda, A van Brussel, ...
British journal of cancer 123 (5), 785-792, 2020
ER and PI3K pathway activity in primary ER positive breast cancer is associated with progression-free survival of metastatic patients under first-line tamoxifen
A M Sieuwerts, M A Inda, M Smid, H van Ooijen, A van de Stolpe, ...
Cancers 12 (4), 802, 2020
On the efficient parallel computation of Legendre transforms
MA Inda, RH Bisseling, DK Maslen
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (1), 271-303, 2001
Assessment of cellular signaling pathway activity using probabilistic modeling of target gene expression
WFJ Verhaegh, A Van De Stolpe, HJ Van Ooijen, KC DULLA, MA De Inda, ...
A sensitivity analysis of a personalized pulse wave propagation model for arteriovenous fistula surgery. Part B: Identification of possible generic model parameters
W Huberts, C de Jonge, WPM van der Linden, MA Inda, K Passera, ...
Medical engineering & physics 35 (6), 827-837, 2013
Impact of hormonal biomarkers on response to hormonal therapy in advanced and recurrent endometrial cancer
WJ van Weelden, RI Lalisang, J Bulten, K Lindemann, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 2021
Parallel fast Legendre transform
M Alves de Inda, RH Bisseling, DK Maslen
Proceedings Eighth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in …, 1998
Validation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase-4D7 for its independent contribution to risk stratification in a prostate cancer patient cohort with longitudinal …
MA de Inda, D van Strijp, E den Biezen-Timmermans, A van Brussel, ...
European urology focus 4 (3), 376-384, 2018
SigWin-detector: a Grid-enabled workflow for discovering enriched windows of genomic features related to DNA sequences
MA Inda, MF van Batenburg, M Roos, ASZ Belloum, D Vasunin, ...
BMC research notes 1 (1), 1-10, 2008
Interactive workflows in a virtual laboratory for e-Bioscience: the SigWin-detector tool for gene expression analysis
MA Inda, ASZ Belloum, M Roos, D Vasunin, C De Laat, LO Hertzberger, ...
2006 Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e …, 2006
System for managing cardiovascular health status
WU Dittmer, LF Waanders, H Dhand, N Bussa, MA De Inda, AK Mani, ...
US Patent App. 14/130,742, 2014
Zhiming Zhao and Rauwerda, H. and Breit, TM and Bubak, M. and Hertzberger, LO: Collaborative e-Science Experiments and Scientific Workflows
A Belloum, MA Inda, D Vasunin, V Korkhov
IEEE Internet Computing, 2010
Heterogeneity in signaling pathway activity within primary and between primary and metastatic breast cancer
MA Inda, P van Swinderen, A van Brussel, CB Moelans, W Verhaegh, ...
Cancers 13 (6), 1345, 2021
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Articles 1–20