Christophe Leys
Christophe Leys
Professeur analyse des données université libre de bruxelles
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Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median
C Leys, C Ley, O Klein, P Bernard, L Licata
Journal of experimental social psychology 49 (4), 764-766, 2013
Why psychologists should by default use Welch's t-test instead of Student's t-test
M Delacre, D Lakens, C Leys
International Review of Social Psychology 30 (1), 92-101, 2017
Detecting multivariate outliers: Use a robust variant of the Mahalanobis distance
C Leys, O Klein, Y Dominicy, C Ley
Journal of experimental social psychology 74, 150-156, 2018
Improving emotional intelligence: A systematic review of existing work and future challenges
I Kotsou, M Mikolajczak, A Heeren, J Grégoire, C Leys
Emotion Review 11 (2), 151-165, 2019
How to classify, detect, and manage univariate and multivariate outliers, with emphasis on pre-registration
C Leys, M Delacre, YL Mora, D Lakens, C Ley
International Review of Social Psychology 32 (1), 2019
Taking parametric assumptions seriously: Arguments for the use of Welch’s F-test instead of the classical F-test in one-way ANOVA
M Delacre, C Leys, YL Mora, D Lakens
International Review of Social Psychology 32 (1), 13, 2019
Low hopes, high expectations: Expectancy effects and the replicability of behavioral experiments
O Klein, S Doyen, C Leys, PA Magalhães de Saldanha da Gama, S Miller, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 7 (6), 572-584, 2012
A nonparametric method to analyze interactions: The adjusted rank transform test
C Leys, S Schumann
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (4), 684-688, 2010
Transgenerational transmission of trauma in families of Holocaust survivors: The consequences of extreme family functioning on resilience, sense of coherence, anxiety and …
P Fossion, C Leys, C Vandeleur, C Kempenaers, S Braun, P Verbanck, ...
Journal of affective disorders 171, 48-53, 2015
Self-Compassion Scale (SCS): Psychometric properties of the French translation and its relations with psychological well-being, affect and depression
I Kotsou, C Leys
PloS one 11 (4), e0152880, 2016
Perceptions of corporate social responsibility, organizational commitment and job satisfaction
C Closon, C Leys, C Hellemans
Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management …, 2015
Burnout in university students: The mediating role of sense of coherence on the relationship between daily hassles and burnout
R Shankland, I Kotsou, F Vallet, E Bouteyre, C Dantzer, C Leys
Higher Education 78, 91-113, 2019
Acceptance alone is a better predictor of psychopathology and well-being than emotional competence, emotion regulation and mindfulness
I Kotsou, C Leys, P Fossion
Journal of affective disorders 226, 142-145, 2018
Depression, anxiety and loss of resilience after multiple traumas: an illustration of a mediated moderation model of sensitization in a group of children who survived the Nazi …
P Fossion, C Leys, C Kempenaers, S Braun, P Verbanck, P Linkowski
Journal of affective disorders 151 (3), 973-979, 2013
Disentangling sense of coherence and resilience in case of multiple traumas
P Fossion, C Leys, C Kempenaers, S Braun, P Verbanck, P Linkowski
Journal of affective disorders 160, 21-26, 2014
Perspectives on resilience: personality trait or skill?
C Leys, C Arnal, R Wollast, H Rolin, I Kotsou, P Fossion
European journal of trauma & dissociation 4 (2), 100074, 2020
Beware of multiple traumas in PTSD assessment: The role of reactivation mechanism in intrusive and hyper-arousal symptoms
P Fossion, C Leys, C Kempenaers, S Braun, P Verbanck, P Linkowski
Aging & mental health 19 (3), 258-263, 2015
Health-related quality of life, emotional burden, and neurocognitive function in the first generation of metastatic melanoma survivors treated with pembrolizumab: a …
A Rogiers, C Leys, J De Cremer, G Awada, A Schembri, P Theuns, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 28, 3267-3278, 2020
How self‐compassion moderates the effect of body surveillance on subjective happiness and depression among women
R Wollast, AR Riemer, P Bernard, C Leys, I Kotsou, O Klein
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 60 (5), 464-472, 2019
Self‐compassion and savouring buffer the impact of the first year of the COVID‐19 on PhD students' mental health
M Paucsik, C Leys, G Marais, C Baeyens, R Shankland
Stress and Health 38 (5), 891-901, 2022
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