Art Dewulf
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Cited by
Social learning and water resources management
C Pahl-Wostl, M Craps, A Dewulf, E Mostert, D Tabara, T Taillieu
Ecology and society 12 (2), 2007
Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: A meta-paradigmatic perspective
A Dewulf, B Gray, L Putnam, R Lewicki, N Aarts, R Bouwen, ...
Human relations 62 (2), 155-193, 2009
Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development
W Buytaert, Z Zulkafli, S Grainger, L Acosta, TC Alemie, J Bastiaensen, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 2, 26, 2014
Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know
M Brugnach, A Dewulf, C Pahl-Wostl, T Taillieu
Ecology and society 13 (2), 2008
The importance of social learning and culture for sustainable water management
C Pahl-Wostl, D Tàbara, R Bouwen, M Craps, A Dewulf, E Mostert, ...
Ecological economics 64 (3), 484-495, 2008
Disentangling scale approaches in governance research: comparing monocentric, multilevel, and adaptive governance
CJAM Termeer, A Dewulf, M Van Lieshout
Ecology and society 15 (4), 2010
Governance capabilities for dealing wisely with wicked problems
CJAM Termeer, A Dewulf, G Breeman, SJ Stiller
Administration & Society 47 (6), 680-710, 2015
Transformational change: governance interventions for climate change adaptation from a continuous change perspective
CJAM Termeer, A Dewulf, GR Biesbroek
Journal of environmental planning and management 60 (4), 558-576, 2017
To co-produce or not to co-produce
MC Lemos, JC Arnott, NM Ardoin, K Baja, AT Bednarek, A Dewulf, ...
Nature sustainability 1 (12), 722-724, 2018
Integrated management of natural resources: dealing with ambiguous issues, multiple actors and diverging frames
A Dewulf, M Craps, R Bouwen, T Taillieu, C Pahl-Wostl
Water science and technology 52 (6), 115-124, 2005
Uncertainties in climate change projections and regional downscaling in the tropical Andes: implications for water resources management
W Buytaert, M Vuille, A Dewulf, R Urrutia, A Karmalkar, R Célleri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (7), 1247-1258, 2010
A small wins framework to overcome the evaluation paradox of governing wicked problems
CJAM Termeer, A Dewulf
Policy and Society 38 (2), 298-314, 2019
Advancing adaptive governance of social-ecological systems through theoretical multiplicity
T Karpouzoglou, A Dewulf, J Clark
Environmental Science & Policy 57, 1-9, 2016
A critical assessment of the wicked problem concept: relevance and usefulness for policy science and practice
CJAM Termeer, A Dewulf, R Biesbroek
Policy and Society 38 (2), 167-179, 2019
The regional governance of climate adaptation: A framework for developing legitimate, effective, and resilient governance arrangements
C Termeer, A Dewulf, H Van Rijswick, A Van Buuren, D Huitema, ...
Climate law 2 (2), 159-179, 2011
Including indigenous peoples in climate change mitigation: addressing issues of scale, knowledge and power
M Brugnach, M Craps, A Dewulf
Climatic change 140, 19-32, 2017
Contrasting frames in policy debates on climate change adaptation
A Dewulf
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 4 (4), 321-330, 2013
Issue framing in conversations for change: Discursive interaction strategies for “doing differences”
A Dewulf, R Bouwen
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 48 (2), 168-193, 2012
What does policy-relevant global environmental knowledge do? The cases of climate and biodiversity
E Turnhout, A Dewulf, M Hulme
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18, 65-72, 2016
Citizen science for hydrological risk reduction and resilience building
JD Paul, W Buytaert, S Allen, JA Ballesteros‐Cánovas, J Bhusal, K Cieslik, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5 (1), e1262, 2018
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Articles 1–20