Vesa Putkinen
Vesa Putkinen
Turku PET Centre
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Music playschool enhances children’s linguistic skills
T Linnavalli, V Putkinen, J Lipsanen, M Huotilainen, M Tervaniemi
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8767, 2018
An integrative review of the enjoyment of sadness associated with music
T Eerola, JK Vuoskoski, HR Peltola, V Putkinen, K Schäfer
Physics of life reviews 25, 100-121, 2018
Informal musical activities are linked to auditory discrimination and attention in 2–3‐year‐old children: An event‐related potential study
V Putkinen, M Tervaniemi, M Huotilainen
European Journal of Neuroscience 37 (4), 654-661, 2013
Enhanced development of auditory change detection in musically trained school‐aged children: a longitudinal event‐related potential study
V Putkinen, M Tervaniemi, K Saarikivi, P Ojala, M Huotilainen
Developmental science 17 (2), 282-297, 2014
Investigating the effects of musical training on functional brain development with a novel Melodic MMN paradigm
V Putkinen, M Tervaniemi, K Saarikivi, N de Vent, M Huotilainen
Neurobiology of learning and memory 110, 8-15, 2014
Promises of formal and informal musical activities in advancing neurocognitive development throughout childhood
V Putkinen, M Tervaniemi, K Saarikivi, M Huotilainen
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1337 (1), 153-162, 2015
Do informal musical activities shape auditory skill development in preschool-age children?
V Putkinen, K Saarikivi, M Tervaniemi
Frontiers in psychology 4, 572, 2013
Auditory profiles of classical, jazz, and rock musicians: genre-specific sensitivity to musical sound features
M Tervaniemi, L Janhunen, S Kruck, V Putkinen, M Huotilainen
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1900, 2016
Decoding music-evoked emotions in the auditory and motor cortex
V Putkinen, S Nazari-Farsani, K Seppälä, T Karjalainen, L Sun, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (5), 2549-2560, 2021
Fast measurement of auditory event-related potential profiles in 2–3-year-olds
V Putkinen, R Niinikuru, J Lipsanen, M Tervaniemi, M Huotilainen
Developmental Neuropsychology 37 (1), 51-75, 2012
Musical training facilitates the neural discrimination of major versus minor chords in 13‐year‐old children
P Virtala, M Huotilainen, V Putkinen, T Makkonen, M Tervaniemi
Psychophysiology 49 (8), 1125-1132, 2012
Brain basis of psychopathy in criminal offenders and general population
L Nummenmaa, L Lukkarinen, L Sun, V Putkinen, K Seppälä, ...
Cerebral cortex 31 (9), 4104-4114, 2021
Music-induced positive mood broadens the scope of auditory attention
V Putkinen, T Makkonen, T Eerola
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (7), 1159-1168, 2017
Cognitive flexibility modulates maturation and music‐training‐related changes in neural sound discrimination
K Saarikivi, V Putkinen, M Tervaniemi, M Huotilainen
European Journal of Neuroscience 44 (2), 1815-1825, 2016
Dissociable neural systems for unconditioned acute and sustained fear
M Hudson, K Seppälä, V Putkinen, L Sun, E Glerean, T Karjalainen, ...
NeuroImage 216, 116522, 2020
Social pleasures of music
L Nummenmaa, V Putkinen, M Sams
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39, 196-202, 2021
Inter-brain synchronization occurs without physical co-presence during cooperative online gaming
V Wikström, K Saarikivi, M Falcon, T Makkonen, S Martikainen, V Putkinen, ...
Neuropsychologia 174, 108316, 2022
Musiikkiharrastus vaikuttaa voimakkaasti lapsen aivotoimintaan
M Huotilainen, V Putkinen
Musiikki 38 (3-4), 204-217, 2008
The neural basis of sublexical speech and corresponding nonspeech processing: a combined EEG–MEG study
S Kuuluvainen, P Nevalainen, A Sorokin, M Mittag, E Partanen, ...
Brain and Language 130, 19-32, 2014
Selectively enhanced development of working memory in musically trained children and adolescents
KA Saarikivi, M Huotilainen, M Tervaniemi, V Putkinen
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 13, 62, 2019
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Articles 1–20