Frank W. Takes
Cited by
Cited by
Uncovering offshore financial centers: Conduits and sinks in the global corporate ownership network
J Garcia-Bernardo, J Fichtner, EM Heemskerk, FW Takes
Scientific Reports 7, 6246, 2017
The corporate elite community structure of global capitalism
EM Heemskerk, FW Takes
New Political Economy 21 (1), 90--118, 2016
Determining the diameter of small world networks
FW Takes, WA Kosters
ACM CIKM 2011; Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on …, 2011
Computing the eccentricity distribution of large graphs
FW Takes, WA Kosters
Algorithms 6 (1), 100-118, 2013
Fast diameter and radius BFS-based computation in (weakly connected) real-world graphs
M Borassi, P Crescenzi, M Habib, WA Kosters, A Marino, FW Takes
Theoretical Computer Science 586, 59-80, 2015
The promise and perils of using big data in the study of corporate networks: Problems, diagnostics and fixes
EM Heemskerk, K Young, F Takes, B Cronin, J Garcia-Bernardo, V Popov, ...
Global Networks 18 (1), 2017
Centrality in the global network of corporate control
FW Takes, EM Heemskerk
Social Network Analysis and Mining 6 (1), 1-18, 2016
The duality of firms and directors in board interlock networks: A relational event modeling approach
D Valeeva, EM Heemskerk, FW Takes
Social Networks 62, 68-79, 2020
Applying Monte Carlo techniques to the capacitated vehicle routing problem
FW Takes, WA Kosters
BNAIC 2010; Proceedings of the 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial …, 2010
Where is the global corporate elite? A large-scale network study of local and nonlocal interlocking directorates
EM Heemskerk, FW Takes, J Garcia-Bernardo, MJ Huijzer
Sociologica 2016 (2), 1-31, 2016
Multiplex network motifs as building blocks of corporate networks
FW Takes, WA Kosters, B Witte, EM Heemskerk
Applied Network Science 3 (1), 1-22, 2018
Combining customer attribute and social network mining for prepaid mobile churn prediction
PD Kusuma, D Radosavljevik, FW Takes, P van der Putten
Benelearn 2013; Proceedings of the 22nd Belgian Netherlands Conference on …, 2013
The effects of data quality on the analysis of corporate board interlock networks
J Garcia-Bernardo, FW Takes
Information Systems 78, 164-172, 2018
The anatomy of a population-scale social network
E Bokanyi, Y Kazmina, R de Jong, F Takes, E Heemskerk
Scientific Reports 13, 9209, 2023
On the Solvability of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Game: A Faster Graph Diameter and Radius Computation Method
M Borassi, P Crescenzi, M Habib, W Kosters, A Marino, F Takes
FUN 2014; Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fun with …, 2014
Functional structure in production networks
CES Mattsson, FW Takes, EM Heemskerk, C Diks, G Buiten, A Faber, ...
Frontiers in Big Data 4, 2021
Efficiently counting complex multilayer temporal motifs in large-scale networks
HD Boekhout, WA Kosters, FW Takes
Computational Social Networks 6 (1), 8, 2019
A community-aware approach for identifying node anomalies in complex networks
TJ Helling, JC Scholtes, FW Takes
Complex Networks 2019: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on …, 2019
Explainable and Efficient Link Prediction in Real-World Network Data
JE van Engelen, HD Boekhout, FW Takes
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9897, 295-307, 2016
Exploiting GPUs for fast force-directed visualization of large-scale networks
GG Brinkmann, KFD Rietveld, FW Takes
ICPP 2017: Proceedings of the 46th IEEE International Conference on Parallel …, 2017
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Articles 1–20