Sebastiaan van Zelst
Sebastiaan van Zelst
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Process mining for python (PM4Py): bridging the gap between process-and data science
A Berti, SJ Van Zelst, W van der Aalst
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.06169, 2019
Event abstraction in process mining: literature review and taxonomy
SJ van Zelst, F Mannhardt, M de Leoni, A Koschmider
Granular Computing 6, 719-736, 2021
Online conformance checking: relating event streams to process models using prefix-alignments
SJ van Zelst, A Bolt, M Hassani, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 8, 269-284, 2019
Improving process discovery results by filtering outliers using conditional behavioural probabilities
MF Sani, SJ van Zelst, WMP Van Der Aalst
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2017 International Workshops …, 2018
Event stream-based process discovery using abstract representations
SJ van Zelst, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2017
PM4Py: A process mining library for Python
A Berti, S van Zelst, D Schuster
Software Impacts 17, 100556, 2023
Discovering workflow nets using integer linear programming
SJ van Zelst, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst, HMW Verbeek
Computing 100, 529-556, 2018
Online conformance checking using behavioural patterns
A Burattin, SJ van Zelst, A Armas-Cervantes, BF van Dongen, J Carmona
Business Process Management: 16th International Conference, BPM 2018, Sydney …, 2018
RapidProM: mine your processes and not just your data
WMP van der Aalst, A Bolt, SJ van Zelst
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03740, 2017
Automated robotic process automation: A self-learning approach
J Gao, SJ van Zelst, X Lu, WMP van der Aalst
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences …, 2019
An interdisciplinary comparison of sequence modeling methods for next-element prediction
N Tax, I Teinemaa, SJ van Zelst
Software and Systems Modeling 19 (6), 1345-1365, 2020
Applying sequence mining for outlier detection in process mining
M Fani Sani, SJ van Zelst, WMP van der Aalst
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences …, 2018
Utilizing domain knowledge in data-driven process discovery: A literature review
D Schuster, SJ van Zelst, WMP van der Aalst
Computers in Industry 137, 103612, 2022
Filtering spurious events from event streams of business processes
SJ van Zelst, M Fani Sani, A Ostovar, R Conforti, M La Rosa
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 30th International Conference …, 2018
Conformance checking approximation using subset selection and edit distance
M Fani Sani, SJ van Zelst, WMP van der Aalst
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 32nd International Conference …, 2020
Avoiding over-fitting in ILP-based process discovery
SJ van Zelst, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management: 13th International Conference, BPM 2015 …, 2015
Repairing outlier behaviour in event logs
M Fani Sani, SJ van Zelst, WMP van der Aalst
Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 …, 2018
Supporting automatic system dynamics model generation for simulation in the context of process mining
M Pourbafrani, SJ van Zelst, WMP van der Aalst
Business Information Systems: 23rd International Conference, BIS 2020 …, 2020
ILP-Based Process Discovery Using Hybrid Regions.
SJ van Zelst, BF van Dongen, WMP van der Aalst
ATAED@ petri nets/ACSD, 47-61, 2015
A framework for explainable concept drift detection in process mining
JN Adams, SJ van Zelst, L Quack, K Hausmann, WMP van der Aalst, ...
Business Process Management: 19th International Conference, BPM 2021, Rome …, 2021
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Articles 1–20