Francisco Grimaldo
Francisco Grimaldo
Full Professor, Departament d'Informàtica, Universitat de València
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Gender gap in journal submissions and peer review during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A study on 2329 Elsevier journals
F Squazzoni, G Bravo, F Grimaldo, D García-Costa, M Farjam, B Mehmani
PloS one 16 (10), e0257919, 2021
The effect of publishing peer review reports on referee behavior in five scholarly journals
G Bravo, F Grimaldo, E López-Iñesta, B Mehmani, F Squazzoni
Nature communications 10 (1), 322, 2019
Peer review and gender bias: A study on 145 scholarly journals
F Squazzoni, G Bravo, M Farjam, A Marusic, B Mehmani, M Willis, ...
Science advances 7 (2), eabd0299, 2021
A comparative study of partitioning methods for crowd simulations
G Vigueras, M Lozano, JM Orduna, F Grimaldo
Applied Soft Computing 10 (1), 225-235, 2010
No tickets for women in the COVID-19 race? A study on manuscript submissions and reviews in 2347 Elsevier journals during the pandemic
F Squazzoni, G Bravo, F Grimaldo, D Garcıa-Costa, M Farjam, B Mehmani
SSRN Electronic Journal 1 (2020), 3712813, 2020
Only second-class tickets for women in the COVID-19 race. A study on manuscript submissions and reviews in 2329 Elsevier journals
F Squazzoni, G Bravo, F Grimaldo, D Garcıa-Costa, M Farjam, B Mehmani
A study on manuscript submissions and reviews in 2329, 2020
Fragments of peer review: A quantitative analysis of the literature (1969-2015)
F Grimaldo, A Marušić, F Squazzoni
PloS one 13 (2), e0193148, 2018
Hidden connections: Network effects on editorial decisions in four computer science journals
G Bravo, M Farjam, FG Moreno, A Birukou, F Squazzoni
Journal of Informetrics 12 (1), 101-112, 2018
Uso de herramientas de respuesta de audiencia en la docencia presencial universitaria. Un primer contacto.
A Fuertes, M García, MA Castaño, E López, M Zacares, M Cobos, R Ferris, ...
Actas de las XXII JENUI, 261-268, 2016
Attitudes of referees in a multidisciplinary journal: An empirical analysis
N Casnici, F Grimaldo, N Gilbert, F Squazzoni
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (7 …, 2017
Unlock ways to share data on peer review
F Squazzoni, P Ahrweiler, T Barros, F Bianchi, A Birukou, HJJ Blom, ...
Nature 578 (7796), 512-514, 2020
Publishing: Journals could share peer-review data
F Squazzoni, F Grimaldo, A Marušić
Nature 546 (7658), 352-352, 2017
The peer review game: an agent-based model of scientists facing resource constraints and institutional pressures
F Bianchi, F Grimaldo, G Bravo, F Squazzoni
Scientometrics 116, 1401-1420, 2018
The “invisible hand” of peer review: The implications of author-referee networks on peer review in a scholarly journal
P Dondio, N Casnici, F Grimaldo, N Gilbert, F Squazzoni
Journal of Informetrics 13 (2), 708-716, 2019
Effects of seniority, gender and geography on the bibliometric output and collaboration networks of European Research Council (ERC) grant recipients
DG Pina, L Barać, I Buljan, F Grimaldo, A Marušić
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212286, 2019
Large-scale language analysis of peer review reports
I Buljan, D Garcia-Costa, F Grimaldo, F Squazzoni, A Marušić
Elife 9, e53249, 2020
Mechanism change in a simulation of peer review: From junk support to elitism
M Paolucci, F Grimaldo
Scientometrics 99, 663-688, 2014
Simulating socially intelligent agents in semantic virtual environments
F Grimaldo, M Lozano, F Barber, G Vigueras
The Knowledge Engineering Review 23 (4), 369-388, 2008
¿ Un cambio de metodología que aumente la satisfacción y motivación del estudiante favorece su aprendizaje? Experiencias en el aula
A Fuertes, R Ferris, F Grimaldo Moreno
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018
Assessing peer review by gauging the fate of rejected manuscripts: The case of the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
N Casnici, F Grimaldo, N Gilbert, P Dondio, F Squazzoni
Scientometrics 113, 533-546, 2017
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