Ed Smeets
Ed Smeets
KBA Nijmegen
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor kbanijmegen.nl
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Geciteerd door
Does ICT contribute to powerful learning environments in primary education?
E Smeets
Computers & Education 44 (3), 343-355, 2005
Modelling and supporting ICT implementation in secondary schools
T Mooij, E Smeets
Computers & Education 36 (3), 265-281, 2001
Pupil‐centred learning, ICT, and teacher behaviour: Observations in educational practice
E Smeets, T Mooij
British journal of educational technology 32 (4), 403-417, 2001
Children with special educational needs in the Netherlands: Number, characteristics and school career
I van der Veen, E Smeets, M Derriks
Educational Research 52 (1), 15-43, 2010
Towards systemic support of pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders
T Mooij, E Smeets
International Journal of Inclusive Education 13 (6), 597-616, 2009
The impact of information and communication technology on the teacher
EFL Smeets
Nijmegen: Institute for Applied Social Sciences (ITS), 1999
Multi‐level aspects of social cohesion of secondary schools and pupils' feelings of safety
T Mooij, E Smeets, W De Wit
British Journal of Educational Psychology 81 (3), 369-390, 2011
Speciaal of apart. Onderzoek naar de omvang van het speciaal onderwijs in Nederland en andere Europese landen.
E Smeets
Nijmegen: ITS, 2007
Design, development and implementation of inclusive education
T Mooij, E Smeets
European Educational Research Journal 5 (2), 94-109, 2006
The identification by teachers of special educational needs in primary school pupils and factors associated with referral to special education
E Smeets, J Roeleveld
European Journal of Special Needs Education 31 (4), 423-439, 2016
Allochtone leerlingen en speciale onderwijsvoorzieningen.
E Smeets, G Driessen, SC Elfering, M Hovius
Nijmegen: ITS, 2009
Time on task, interaction, and information handling in multimedia learning environments
E Smeets, T Mooij
Journal of Educational Computing Research 21 (4), 487-502, 1999
Zorgleerlingen en leerlingenzorg op de basisschool.
E Smeets, I Veen, M Derriks, J Roeleveld
[Nijmegen: ITS][Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut], 2007
Samenwerking tussen primair onderwijs, voortgezet onderwijs, regionale expertisecentra en jeugdzorg. Onderzoek naar innovatie in vijf regio's.
E Smeets
Nijmegen: ITS, 2007
Teaching styles of teacher educators and their use of ICT
E Smeets, H Van Gennıp, C Van Rens
İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 10 (3), 2009
Passende competenties voor passend onderwijs Onderzoek naar competenties in het basisonderwijs
E Smeets, G Ledoux, A Regtvoort, C Felix, A Mol Lous
Nijmegen: ITS, 2015
De relatie tussen prestaties en advies. Onder-of overadvisering bij de overgang van basis-naar voortgezet onderwijs?
G Driessen, E Smeets, CWJ Mulder, H Vierke
Nijmegen: ITS, 2007
Multimedia op school
EFL Smeets
Ubbergen: Tandem Felix, 1996
Education in young offender institutions and secure youth care institutions
E Smeets
Educational Research and Evaluation 20 (1), 67-80, 2014
COOL Speciaal. Inhoudelijk rapport
G Ledoux, J Roeleveld, A Langen, E Smeets
Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut, 2012
Het systeem kan de bewerking nu niet uitvoeren. Probeer het later opnieuw.
Artikelen 1–20