Bastijn Koopmans
Bastijn Koopmans
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Protein instability, haploinsufficiency, and cortical hyper-excitability underlie STXBP1 encephalopathy
J Kovačević, G Maroteaux, D Schut, M Loos, M Dubey, J Pitsch, ...
Brain 141 (5), 1350-1374, 2018
Sheltering behavior and locomotor activity in 11 genetically diverse common inbred mouse strains using home-cage monitoring
M Loos, B Koopmans, E Aarts, G Maroteaux, S Van Der Sluis, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e108563, 2014
Measuring behavior in the home cage: study design, applications, challenges, and perspectives
F Grieco, BJ Bernstein, B Biemans, L Bikovski, CJ Burnett, JD Cushman, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 15, 735387, 2021
Within-strain variation in behavior differs consistently between common inbred strains of mice
M Loos, B Koopmans, E Aarts, G Maroteaux, S van der Sluis, ...
Mammalian genome 26, 348-354, 2015
High‐throughput phenotyping of avoidance learning in mice discriminates different genotypes and identifies a novel gene
G Maroteaux, M Loos, S Van Der Sluis, B Koopmans, E Aarts, ...
Genes, Brain and Behavior 11 (7), 772-784, 2012
Genetic Mapping in Mice Reveals the Involvement of Pcdh9 in Long-Term Social and Object Recognition and Sensorimotor Development
H Bruining, A Matsui, A Oguro-Ando, RS Kahn, HM van‘t Spijker, ...
Biological psychiatry 78 (7), 485-495, 2015
The light spot test: Measuring anxiety in mice in an automated home-cage environment
E Aarts, G Maroteaux, M Loos, B Koopmans, J Kovačević, AB Smit, ...
Behavioural brain research 294, 123-130, 2015
Simultaneous assessment of cognitive function, circadian rhythm, and spontaneous activity in aging mice
S Logan, D Owen, S Chen, WJ Chen, Z Ungvari, J Farley, A Csiszar, ...
Geroscience 40, 123-137, 2018
Low-intensity blast induces acute glutamatergic hyperexcitability in mouse hippocampus leading to long-term learning deficits and altered expression of proteins involved in …
S Chen, HR Siedhoff, H Zhang, P Liu, A Balderrama, R Li, C Johnson, ...
Neurobiology of disease 165, 105634, 2022
Tomosyn-2 is required for normal motor performance in mice and sustains neurotransmission at motor endplates
CJ Geerts, JJ Plomp, B Koopmans, M Loos, EM van der Pijl, ...
Brain Structure and Function 220, 1971-1982, 2015
Reproducibility via coordinated standardization: a multi-center study in a Shank2 genetic rat model for Autism Spectrum Disorders
M Arroyo-Araujo, R Graf, M Maco, E van Dam, E Schenker, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 11602, 2019
A 1-night operant learning task without food-restriction differentiates among mouse strains in an automated home-cage environment
E Remmelink, M Loos, B Koopmans, E Aarts, S van der Sluis, AB Smit, ...
Behavioural Brain Research 283, 53-60, 2015
Functional characterization of the PCLO p. Ser4814Ala variant associated with major depressive disorder reveals cellular but not behavioral differences
A Giniatullina, G Maroteaux, CJ Geerts, B Koopmans, M Loos, R Klaassen, ...
Neuroscience 300, 518-538, 2015
Systematic assessment of the replicability and generalizability of preclinical findings: Impact of protocol harmonization across laboratory sites
M Arroyo-Araujo, B Voelkl, C Laloux, J Novak, B Koopmans, AM Waldron, ...
PLoS biology 20 (11), e3001886, 2022
Long-term effects of low-intensity blast non-inertial brain injury on anxiety-like behaviors in mice: home-cage monitoring assessments
HR Siedhoff, S Chen, A Balderrama, GY Sun, B Koopmans, RG DePalma, ...
Neurotrauma Reports 3 (1), 27-38, 2022
Assessment of Behavioral Characteristics With Procedures of Minimal Human Interference in the mdx Mouse Model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
S Engelbeen, A Aartsma-Rus, B Koopmans, M Loos, M Van Putten
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 629043, 2021
PMP22 duplication dysregulates lipid homeostasis and plasma membrane organization in developing human Schwann cells
R Prior, A Silva, T Vangansewinkel, J Idkowiak, AK Tharkeshwar, ...
Brain, awae158, 2024
AHCODA-DB: a data repository with web-based mining tools for the analysis of automated high-content mouse phenomics data
B Koopmans, AB Smit, M Verhage, M Loos
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-5, 2017
Constitutive loss and acute pharmacological manipulation of ErbB4 signaling do not affect attention and inhibitory control in mice
E Marchisella, R Wijnands, B Koopmans, S Spijker, M Loos
Genes, Brain and Behavior 17 (1), 56-69, 2018
The systemic inhibition of the terminal complement system reduces neuroinflammation but does not improve motor function in mouse models of CMT1A with overexpressed PMP22
I Michailidou, J Vreijling, M Rumpf, M Loos, B Koopmans, N Vlek, N Straat, ...
Current Research in Neurobiology 4, 100077, 2023
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Articles 1–20