Mark Smith
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Cited by
Oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease
MA Smith, CA Rottkamp, A Nunomura, AK Raina, G Perry
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1502 (1), 139-144, 2000
Glycated tau protein in Alzheimer disease: a mechanism for induction of oxidant stress.
SD Yan, X Chen, AM Schmidt, J Brett, G Godman, YS Zou, CW Scott, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (16), 7787-7791, 1994
Women's employment in Europe: Trends and prospects
J Rubery, M Smith, C Fagan
Routledge, 1999
Redox-active iron mediates amyloid-β toxicity
CA Rottkamp, AK Raina, X Zhu, E Gaier, AI Bush, CS Atwood, M Chevion, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 30 (4), 447-450, 2001
Alzheimer's disease–synergistic effects of glucose deficit, oxidative stress and advanced glycation endproducts
G Münch, R Schinzel, C Loske, A Wong, N Durany, JJ Li, H Vlassara, ...
Journal of neural transmission 105, 439-461, 1998
Electrical test methods for on-line fuel cell ohmic resistance measurement
KR Cooper, M Smith
Journal of Power Sources 160 (2), 1088-1095, 2006
Women and European employment
C Fagan, D Grimshaw, J Rubery, M Smith
Routledge, 2015
Victims of bullying at work in Ireland
M O'Moore, E Seigne, L McGuire, M Smith
Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand 14, 569-574, 1998
National working-time regimes and equal opportunities
J Rubery, M Smith, C Fagan
Feminist economics 4 (1), 71-101, 1998
Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Schooling: A Systematic Review. Doc# 2005-01.
F Mael, A Alonso, D Gibson, K Rogers, M Smith
US Department of Education, 2005
Transgenic Cavendish bananas with resistance to Fusarium wilt tropical race 4
J Dale, A James, JY Paul, H Khanna, M Smith, S Peraza-Echeverria, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1496, 2017
Leukotriene B4 plays a critical role in the progression of collagen-induced arthritis.
RJ Griffiths, ER Pettipher, K Koch, CA Farrell, R Breslow, MJ Conklyn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (2), 517-521, 1995
Towards a European Union gender equality index
J Plantenga, C Remery, H Figueiredo, M Smith
Journal of European Social Policy 19 (1), 19-33, 2009
RAS, FMS and p53 mutations and poor clinical outcome in myelodysplasias: a 10-year follow-up
RA Padua, BA Guinn, AI Al-Sabah, M Smith, C Taylor, T Pettersson, ...
Leukemia 12 (6), 887-892, 1998
The influence of working time arrangements on work-life integration or ‘balance’: A review of the international evidence
C Fagan, C Lyonette, M Smith, A Saldaņa-Tejeda
International Labour Organization, 2012
Sympathetic nervous system tumors
MT Goodman, JG Gurney, MA Smith, AF Olshan
Cancer incidence and survival among children and adolescents: United States …, 1975
The northern Highland and Grampian terranes
RA Strachan, M Smith, AL Harris, DJ Fettes
ESDP-European Spatial Development Perspective: Towards Balanced and Sustainable Development of the Territory of the European Union: Agreed at the Informal Council of Ministers …
European Commission. Committee on Spatial Development
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999
Parental leave in European companies
D Anxo, C Fagan, M Smith, MT Letablier, C Perraudin
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007
Intravascular filtering membrane and method of making an embolic protection filter device
M Smith, HB Lin, N Anderson, J Crank, J Hansen, P Miller, S Spencer, ...
US Patent App. 10/342,546, 2004
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20