francesco lippi
francesco lippi
Professor of Economics, LUISS University and EIEF
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A simple planning problem for COVID-19 lock-down, testing, and tracing
F Alvarez, D Argente, F Lippi
American Economic Review: Insights 3 (3), 367-382, 2021
The monetary transmission mechanism: evidence from the industries of five OECD countries
L Dedola, F Lippi
European Economic Review 49 (6), 1543-1569, 2005
Central bank independence, centralization of wage bargaining, inflation and unemployment:: Theory and some evidence
A Cukierman, F Lippi
European economic review 43 (7), 1395-1434, 1999
Labour markets and monetary union: a strategic analysis
A Cukierman, F Lippi
The Economic Journal 111 (473), 541-565, 2001
Oil and the macroeconomy: a quantitative structural analysis
F Lippi, A Nobili
Journal of the European Economic Association 10 (5), 1059-1083, 2012
Financial Innovation and the Transactions Demand for Cash
F Alvarez, F Lippi
Econometrica 77 (2), 363-402, 2009
Revisiting the case for a populist central banker
F Lippi
European Economic Review 46 (3), 601-612, 2002
Strategic monetary policy with non-atomistic wage setters
F Lippi
The Review of Economic Studies 70 (4), 909-919, 2003
The real effects of monetary shocks in sticky price models: a sufficient statistic approach
F Alvarez, H Le Bihan, F Lippi
American Economic Review 106 (10), 2817-2851, 2016
Price Setting With Menu Cost for Multiproduct Firms
F Alvarez, F Lippi
Econometrica 82 (1), 89-135, 2014
Optimal price setting with observation and menu costs
FE Alvarez, F Lippi, L Paciello
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 126 (4), 1909-1960, 2011
Durable consumption and asset management with transaction and observation costs
FE Alvarez, L Guiso, F Lippi
American Economic Review 102 (5), 2272-2300, 2012
Pricing behaviour and the introduction of the euro: evidence from a panel of restaurants
E Gaiotti, F Lippi
The Euro, Inflation and Consumer’s Perceptions: Lessons from Italy, 71-107, 2008
Technological change and the households’ demand for currency
F Lippi, A Secchi
Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (2), 222-230, 2009
Endogenous monetary policy with unobserved potential output
A Cukierman, F Lippi
Journal of economic dynamics and control 29 (11), 1951-1983, 2005
Information variables for monetary policy in an estimated structural model of the euro area
F Lippi, S Neri
Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (4), 1256-1270, 2007
Did inflation really soar after the euro cash changeover? Indirect evidence from ATM Withdrawals
P Angelini, F Lippi
Indirect Evidence from ATM Withdrawals (March 2006). Bank of Italy Economic …, 2006
Cash burns: An inventory model with a cash-credit choice
F Alvarez, F Lippi
Journal of Monetary Economics 90, 99-112, 2017
Monetary shocks in models with inattentive producers
FE Alvarez, F Lippi, L Paciello
The Review of economic studies 83 (2), 421-459, 2016
Monetary union with voluntary participation
W Fuchs, F Lippi
The Review of Economic Studies 73 (2), 437-457, 2006
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