Peter Groenewegen
Peter Groenewegen
Independent Researcher, Emeritus Professor Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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A bibliometric analysis of 30 years of research and theory on corporate social responsibility and corporate social performance
FGA De Bakker, P Groenewegen, F Den Hond
Business & society 44 (3), 283-317, 2005
Field or fields? Building the scaffolding for cumulation of research on institutional fields
C Zietsma, P Groenewegen, D Logue, B Hinings
Academy of Management Annals 11 (1), 391-450, 2017
Introducing a Fragmentation Perspective on Coordination in Crisis Management
J Wolbers, K Boersma, P Groenewegen
Organization Studies 39 (1), 1521 -1546, 2018
Eco-efficient producer services—what are they, how do they benefit customers and the environment and how likely are they to develop and be extensively utilised?
M Bartolomeo, D dal Maso, P De Jong, P Eder, P Groenewegen, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (8), 829-837, 2003
Wood innovation in the residential construction sector; opportunities and constraints
T Goverse, MP Hekkert, P Groenewegen, E Worrell, REHM Smits
Resources, conservation and recycling 34 (1), 53-74, 2001
Environmental issues as threats and opportunities for technological innovation
P Groenewegen, P Vergragt
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 3 (1), 43-55, 1991
Nurture over nature: How do European universities support their collaboration with business?
V Galán-Muros, P Van der Sijde, P Groenewegen, T Baaken
The Journal of Technology Transfer 42 (1), 184-205, 2017
Questioning Big Data: Crowdsourcing crisis data toward an inclusive humanitarian response
Mulder, F., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., Boersma, F.K., & Wolbers, J.J.
Big Data and Society, 2016
An actor-oriented dynamic network approach: the case of interorganizational network evolution
GG Van de Bunt, P Groenewegen
Organizational Research Methods 10 (3), 463-482, 2007
Sustainability struggles: conflicting cultures and incompatible logics
A Kok, F de Bakker, P Groenewegen
Business & Society 58 (8), 1496-1532, 2019
A comparison of networks between industry and public sector research in materials technology and biotechnology
L Peters, P Groenewegen, N Fiebelkorn
Research Policy 27 (3), 255-271, 1998
Creating eco-efficient producer services
O Zaring, M Bartolomeo, P Eder, P Hopkinson, P Groenewegen, P James, ...
Gothenburg Research Institute, Gothenburg, 503, 2001
Engaging boundary objects in OMS and STS? Exploring the subtleties of layered engagement
R Zeiss, P Groenewegen
Organization 16 (1), 81-100, 2009
Technology assessment through interaction
J Grin, H Van de Graaf, R Hoppe, P Groenewegen
A guide. Den Hag, Rathenau Institute (available at http://www. rathenau. nl), 1997
A research note on the use of bibliometrics to review the corporate social responsibility and corporate social performance literature
FGA De Bakker, P Groenewegen, F Den Hond
Business & Society 45 (1), 7-19, 2006
Improving interprofessional coordination in Dutch midwifery and obstetrics: a qualitative study
VLN Schölmerich, AG Posthumus, H Ghorashi, AJM Waelput, ...
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 14, 1-8, 2014
Bridging between professionals in perinatal care: towards shared care in the Netherlands
AG Posthumus, VLN Schölmerich, AJM Waelput, AA Vos, ...
Maternal and child health journal 17, 1981-1989, 2013
Organizational factors influencing scholarly performance: a multivariate study of biomedical research groups
M Verbree, E Horlings, P Groenewegen, I Van der Weijden, ...
Scientometrics 102, 25-49, 2015
Knowledge use and political choice in Dutch environmental policy: a problem structuring perspective on real life experiments in extended peer review
M Hisschemöller, R Hoppe, P Groenewegen, CJH Midden
Knowledge, power, and participation in environmental policy analysis, 437-470, 2001
Project risk as identity threat: explaining the development and consequences of risk discourse in an infrastructure project
A Van Os, F Van Berkel, D De Gilder, C Van Dyck, P Groenewegen
International Journal of Project Management 33, 877-888, 2015
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