Dag Kjenstad
Dag Kjenstad
Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF, Norway
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MASCOT: an agent-based architecture for dynamic supply chain creation and coordination in the internet economy
NM Sadeh, DW Hildum, D Kjenstad, A Tseng
Production Planning & Control 12 (3), 212-223, 2001
MASCOT: an agent-based architecture for coordinated mixed-initiative supply chain planning and scheduling
Agent-based e-supply chain decision support
NM Sadeh, DW Hildum, D Kjenstad
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 13 (3-4), 225-241, 2003
Coordinated Supply Chain Scheduling
D Kjenstad
A blackboard architecture for integrating process planning and production scheduling
NM Sadeh, DW Hildum, TJ Laliberty, J McA'Nulty, D Kjenstad, A Tseng
Concurrent Engineering 6 (2), 88-100, 1998
Optimizing AMAN-SMAN-DMAN at Hamburg and Arlanda airport
D Kjenstad, C Mannino, TE Nordlander, P Schittekat, M Smedsrud
Integrated surface and departure management at airports by optimization
D Kjenstad, C Mannino, P Schittekat, M Smedsrud
2013 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied …, 2013
A stepping horizon view on nurse rostering
F Salassa, G Vanden Berghe, D Kjenstad, EK Burke, B McCollum
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on the practice and theory …, 2012
Blackboard agents for mixed-initiative management of integrated process-planning/production-scheduling solutions across the supply chain
DW Hildum, NM Sadeh, TJ Laliberty, J McA'Nulty, SF Smith, D Kjenstad
AAAI/IAAI, 1000-1005, 1997
A blackboard architecture for integrated process planning/production scheduling
TJ Laliberty, DW Hildum, NM Sadeh, J McA’Nulty, D Kjenstad, RVE Bryant, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 1996
An integrated process-planning/production-scheduling shell for agile manufacturing
N Sadeh-Koniecpol, D Hildum, TJ Laliberty, S Smith, J McA'Nulty, ...
Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-96-10, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
MASCOT: An agent-based architecture for coordinated mixed-initiative supply chain planning and scheduling
N Sadeh-Koniecpol, D Hildum, D Kjenstad, A Tseng
Workshop notes, Agent-Based Decision Support for Managing the Internet …, 1999
Federation and orchestration: A scalable solution for EU multimodal travel information services
A Detti, G Tropea, N Blefari Melazzi, D Kjenstad, L Bach, I Christiansen, ...
Sustainability 11 (7), 1888, 2019
Intelligent e-supply chain decision support
NM Sadeh, DW Hildum, D Kjenstad
Proceedings of International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 124-32, 2000
Mixed-initiative management of integrated process-planning and production-scheduling solutions
D Hildum, N Sadeh, TJ Laliberty, S Smith, J McA'Nulty, D Kjenstad
Proceedings of NSF Research Planning Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and …, 1996
An Integrated Process-Planning/Production-Scheduling Shell for Agile Manufacturing
NM Sadeh, DW Hildum, TJ Laliberty, SF Smith, J McA'Nulty, D Kjenstad
The practice and theory of automated timetabling (2012)
E Özcan, EK Burke, B McCollum, D Kjenstad, A Riise
Annals of Operations Research 239, 1-2, 2016
Can holistic optimization improve airport air traffic management performance?
A Karahasanović, AW Eide, P Schittekat, HE Swendgaard, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 34 (5), 12-20, 2019
An Expert System for Diagnosing Faults in a Chocolate Factory.
K Wang, P Jeyakumar, D Kjenstad
IFIP Congress (2), 86-91, 1994
Handling disruptions in Total Airport Management using what-if enabled systems
R Suikat, N Carstengerdes, Y Guenther, S Schier, D Kjenstad, M Sinen
Human Factors in Transportation 95 (95), 2023
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