Petra van den Bekerom
Geciteerd door
Geciteerd door
The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping review
DJ van Staalduinen, P van den Bekerom, S Groeneveld, M Kidanemariam, ...
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 270, 2022
Are Citizens More Negative About Failing Service Delivery by Public Than Private Organizations? Evidence From a Large-Scale Survey Experiment
P Van den Bekerom, J Van der Voet, J Christensen
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020
Constrained by Red Tape: How Managerial Networking Moderates the Effects of Red Tape on Public Service Performance
P Van den Bekerom, R Torenvlied, A Akkerman
The American Review of Public Administration, 2016
Managing All Quarters of the Compass? How Internally Oriented Managerial Networking Moderates the Impact of Environmental Turbulence on Organizational Performance
P Van den Bekerom, R Torenvlied, A Akkerman
The American Review of Public Administration, 2015
Representative bureaucracy and specialist knowledge in the European Commission
J Christensen, P Van den Bekerom, J Van der Voet
Public Administration 95 (2), 450-467, 2017
Transforming input into output: how downward networking mediates the effect of external networking on organizational performance
P Van den Bekerom, J Schalk, R Torenvlied
Public Performance & Management Review 40 (4), 625-651, 2017
The individual level effect of symbolic representation: An experimental study on teacher-student gender congruence and students’ perceived abilities in math
L Doornkamp, P Van den Bekerom, S Groeneveld
Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 2 (2), 2019
Networking and performance in public organizations: a study of primary schools in the Netherlands
PEA van den Bekerom
Differing professional perspectives on the interprofessional collaboration in IPUs: a mixed-methods study
DJ van Staalduinen, PEA van den Bekerom, SM Groeneveld, A Franx, ...
International Journal of Integrated Care 23 (3), 2023
Dimensions of managerial networking: The ties of Dutch primary school principals with external organizations
A Akkerman, R Torenvlied, P Van den Bekerom
14th Conference of the international Research society for Public Management, 2010
Disentangling the perceived performance effects of publicness and bureaucratic structure: A survey-experiment
P van den Bekerom, J Van der Voet
Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 4 (2), 2021
Performance information, expectations and satisfaction with public service delivery in the context of co-production initiatives
J van der Voet, P van den Bekerom
Public Management Review, 1-22, 2024
Differing professional perspectives on the integration of care in Integrated Practice Units: a mixed-methods study
D Van Staalduinen, P van den Bekerom, S Groeneveld, A Franx, ...
Ubiquity Press 23 (S1), 2023
Relational coordination in value-based health care
DJ van Staalduinen, PEA van den Bekerom, SM Groeneveld, ...
Health care management review 48 (4), 334-341, 2023
Prestatiepercepties van Burgers over Publieke en Private Dienstverlening
P Van den Bekerom, J Van der Voet, J Christensen
https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/binaries/content/assets/governance-and …, 2019
J Schalk, P Van den Bekerom, M Van der Heijden
Publiek management, 101-115, 2018
M Van der Hoek, P Van den Bekerom
Publiek management, 227-242, 2018
Dynamiek en Crisis
P Van den Bekerom, E Schmidt
Publiek management, 131-146, 2018
Which rules are wrong?: The impact of different causes of red tape on managers’ perceived levels of red tape
P van den Bekerom, R Torenvlied, A Akkerman
85th SPSA Annual Conference 2014: Panel on The Central Role of People in …, 2014
Inter-organizational differences in perceptions of red tape: Does internal management matter?
P van den Bekerom, R Torenvlied, A Akkerman
84th Annual Conference of the Southern Political Science Association, SPSA 2013, 2013
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