André Nollkaemper
André Nollkaemper
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New perspectives on the divide between national and international law
JN A Nollkaemper
Oxford University Press, 2007
Shared responsibility in international law: a conceptual framework
A Nollkaemper, D Jacobs
Mich. J. Int'l L. 34, 359, 2012
Concurrence between individual responsibility and state responsibility in international law
A Nollkaemper
International & Comparative Law Quarterly 52 (3), 615-640, 2003
National courts and the international rule of law
A Nollkaemper
Oxford University Press, 2011
Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia
JKK CPR Romano, A Nollkaemper
Oxford University Press, 2004
Giving effect to public international law and European Community law before domestic courts: a comparative analysis of the practice of consistent interpretation
G Betlem, A Nollkaemper
European Journal of International Law 14 (3), 569-589, 2003
International Liability as an Instrument to Prevent and Compensate for Climate Change
M Faure, A Nollkaemper
Stanford Journal of International Law 43, 124, 2007
Internationally wrongful acts in domestic courts
A Nollkaemper
American Journal of International Law 101 (4), 760-799, 2007
The duality of direct effect of international law
A Nollkaemper
European Journal of International Law 25 (1), 105-125, 2014
The legal status of decisions by human rights treaty bodies in national law
R Van Alebeek, A Nollkaemper
UN human rights treaty bodies: Law and legitimacy, 356-413, 2012
Rule of Law Dynamics: In an Era of International and Transnational Governance
RP M Zurn, A Nollkaemper
Cambridge University Press, 2012
The role of domestic courts in the case law of the International Court of Justice
A Nollkaemper
Chinese Journal of International Law 5 (2), 301-322, 2006
'What you Risk Reveals What You Value', and Other Dilemma's in the Legal Assault on Risk
PA Nollkaemper
The Hague [etc.] Kluwer Law International, 1996
International Adjudication of Global Public Goods: The Intersection of Substance and Procedure
A Nollkaemper
European Journal of International Law 23 (3), 769-791, 2012
Dual attribution: liability of the Netherlands for conduct of Dutchbat in Srebrenica
A Nollkaemper
Journal of International Criminal Justice 9 (5), 1143-1157, 2011
The legal regime for transboundary water pollution: between discretion and constraint
A Nollkaemper
Wolters Kluwer, 2002
Guiding principles on shared responsibility in international law
A Nollkaemper, J d’Aspremont, C Ahlborn, B Boutin, N Nedeski, ...
European Journal of International Law 31 (1), 15-72, 2020
Constitutionalization and the Unity of the Law of International Responsibility
A Nollkaemper
Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 16, 535, 2009
The Europeanisation of international law: the status of international law in the EU and its Member States
J Wouters, A Nollkaemper, E De Wet
TMC Asser Press, 2008
1992 Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: A Critical Analysis
E Hey, T IJIstra, A Nollkaemper
Int'l J. Marine & Coastal L. 8, 1, 1993
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Articles 1–20