Alexey Lyulin
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Cited by
Molecular dynamics simulations of glassy polymers
JL Barrat, J Baschnagel, A Lyulin
Soft Matter 6 (15), 3430-3446, 2010
Strain softening and hardening of amorphous polymers: Atomistic simulation of bulk mechanics and local dynamics
AV Lyulin, B Vorselaars, MA Mazo, NK Balabaev, MAJ Michels
Europhysics Letters 71 (4), 618, 2005
Computer simulation studies of a single polyelectrolyte chain in poor solvent
AV Lyulin, B Dünweg, OV Borisov, AA Darinskii
Macromolecules 32 (10), 3264-3278, 1999
Molecular dynamics simulation of uniaxial deformation of glassy amorphous atactic polystyrene
AV Lyulin, NK Balabaev, MA Mazo, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 37 (23), 8785-8793, 2004
Effects of strong confinement on the glass-transition temperature in simulated atactic polystyrene films
D Hudzinskyy, AV Lyulin, ARC Baljon, NK Balabaev, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 44 (7), 2299-2310, 2011
Molecular-Weight and Cooling-Rate Dependence of Simulated Tg for Amorphous Polystyrene
AV Lyulin, NK Balabaev, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 36 (22), 8574-8575, 2003
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Bulk Atactic Polystyrene in the Vicinity of Tg
AV Lyulin, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 35 (4), 1463-1472, 2002
Brownian dynamics simulations of dendrimers under shear flow
AV Lyulin, GR Davies, DB Adolf
Macromolecules 33 (9), 3294-3304, 2000
Effect of solvent quality and electrostatic interactions on size and structure of dendrimers. Brownian dynamics simulation and mean-field theory
SV Lyulin, LJ Evers, P van der Schoot, AA Darinskii, AV Lyulin, ...
Macromolecules 37 (8), 3049-3063, 2004
Microsecond atomic-scale molecular dynamics simulations of polyimides
SV Lyulin, AA Gurtovenko, SV Larin, VM Nazarychev, AV Lyulin
Macromolecules 46 (15), 6357-6363, 2013
Correlated segmental dynamics in amorphous atactic polystyrene: A molecular dynamics simulation study
AV Lyulin, NK Balabaev, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 35 (25), 9595-9604, 2002
Computer simulations of hyperbranched polymers in shear flows
AV Lyulin, DB Adolf, GR Davies
Macromolecules 34 (11), 3783-3789, 2001
Computer simulation of the dynamics of neutral and charged dendrimers
SV Lyulin, AA Darinskii, AV Lyulin, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 37 (12), 4676-4685, 2004
Thermal properties of bulk polyimides: insights from computer modeling versus experiment
SV Lyulin, SV Larin, AA Gurtovenko, VM Nazarychev, SG Falkovich, ...
Soft Matter 10 (8), 1224-1232, 2014
Slowing down versus acceleration in the dynamics of confined polymer films
C Batistakis, AV Lyulin, MAJ Michels
Macromolecules 45 (17), 7282-7292, 2012
Computer simulation of complexes of dendrimers with linear polyelectrolytes
SV Lyulin, AA Darinskii, AV Lyulin
Macromolecules 38 (9), 3990-3998, 2005
Non-Gaussian nature of glassy dynamics by cage to cage motion
B Vorselaars, AV Lyulin, K Karatasos, MAJ Michels
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (1 …, 2007
Brownian dynamics simulation of linear polymers under elongational flow: Bead–rod model with hydrodynamic interactions
IM Neelov, DB Adolf, AV Lyulin, GR Davies
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (8), 4030-4041, 2002
Location of terminal groups of dendrimers: Brownian dynamics simulation
AV Lyulin, GR Davies, DB Adolf
Macromolecules 33 (18), 6899-6900, 2000
Time Scales and Mechanisms of Relaxation in the Energy Landscape<? format?> of Polymer Glass under Deformation: Direct Atomistic Modeling
AV Lyulin, MAJ Michels
Physical review letters 99 (8), 085504, 2007
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Articles 1–20