Matthijs Kalmijn
Cited by
Cited by
Intermarriage and homogamy: Causes, patterns, trends
M Kalmijn
Annual review of sociology 24 (1), 395-421, 1998
Shifting boundaries: Trends in religious and educational homogamy
M Kalmijn
American Sociological Review, 786-800, 1991
Assortative mating by cultural and economic occupational status
M Kalmijn
American journal of Sociology 100 (2), 422-452, 1994
Men’s career development and marriage timing during a period of rising inequality
VK Oppenheimer, M Kalmijn, N Lim
Demography 34 (3), 311-330, 1997
Status homogamy in the United States
M Kalmijn
American journal of Sociology 97 (2), 496-523, 1991
Trends in black/white intermarriage
M Kalmijn
Social forces 72 (1), 119-146, 1993
Race, cultural capital, and schooling: An analysis of trends in the United States
M Kalmijn, G Kraaykamp
Sociology of education, 22-34, 1996
Assortative meeting and mating: Unintended consequences of organized settings for partner choices
M Kalmijn, H Flap
Social forces 79 (4), 1289-1312, 2001
Explaining cross-national differences in marriage, cohabitation, and divorce in Europe, 1990–2000
M Kalmijn
Population studies 61 (3), 243-263, 2007
Shared friendship networks and the life course: An analysis of survey data on married and cohabiting couples
M Kalmijn
Social Networks 25 (3), 231-249, 2003
Ethnic intermarriage in the Netherlands: confirmations and refutations of accepted insights: Les mariages mixtes inter-ethniques aux Pays-Bas: confirmations et infirmations des …
M Kalmijn, F Van Tubergen
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de demographie 22, 371-397, 2006
His or her divorce? The gendered nature of divorce and its determinants
M Kalmijn, AR Poortman
European sociological review 22 (2), 201-214, 2006
Is marriage more than cohabitation? Well‐being differences in 30 European countries
JPM Soons, M Kalmijn
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (5), 1141-1157, 2009
Mother's occupational status and children's schooling
M Kalmijn
American Sociological Review, 257-275, 1994
Income dynamics in couples and the dissolution of marriage and cohabitation
M Kalmijn, A Loeve, D Manting
Demography 44, 159-179, 2007
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands: The effects of differences in religion and in nationality, 1974–94
M Kalmijn, PM De Graaf, JPG Janssen
Population studies 59 (1), 71-85, 2005
A comparative perspective on intergenerational support: Responsiveness to parental needs in individualistic and familialistic countries
M Kalmijn, C Saraceno
European societies 10 (3), 479-508, 2008
Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: a multi-actor, multi-method panel study on solidarity in family relationships, Wave 2, Version 2.0, April 2012
PA Dykstra, M Kalmijn, TCM Knijn, AE Komter, AC Liefbroer, CH Mulder
NIDI, Erasmus University, Tilburg University, Utrecht University, VU …, 2012
The impact of young children on women’s labour supply: A reassessment of institutional effects in Europe
W Uunk, M Kalmijn, R Muffels
Acta sociologica 48 (1), 41-62, 2005
Gender differences in the effects of divorce, widowhood and remarriage on intergenerational support: Does marriage protect fathers?
M Kalmijn
Social forces 85 (3), 1079-1104, 2007
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Articles 1–20