Josip Maras
Josip Maras
University of Split, FESB unist.hr
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Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
J Resig, B Bear, J Maras
Manning, 2016
Extracting client-side web application code
J Maras, J Carlson, I Crnkovi
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, 819-828, 2012
Identifying code of individual features in client-side web applications
J Maras, M Stula, J Carlson, I Crnkovic
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (12), 1680-1697, 2013
Comparing theoretical and experimental results in Gen2 RFID throughput
P Šolić, J Maras, J Radić, Z Blažević
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (1), 349-357, 2016
Client-side web application slicing
J Maras, J Carlson, I Crnković
2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2011
Classification and survey of component models
J Feljan, L Lednicki, J Maras, A Petricic, I Crnkovic
Continuously self-adjusting fuzzy cognitive map with semi-autonomous concepts
M Štula, J Maras, S Mladenović
Neurocomputing 232, 34-51, 2017
Pride-an environment for component-based development of distributed real-time embedded systems
E Borde, J Carlson, J Feljan, L Lednicki, T Leveque, J Maras, A Petricic, ...
2011 Ninth Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 351-354, 2011
Vision based wildfire and natural risk observers
D Stipaničev, L Šerić, M Braović, D Krstinić, T Jakovčević, M Štula, ...
2012 3rd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2012
Evaluating fault tolerance approaches in multi-agent systems
R Stanković, M Štula, J Maras
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 31, 151-177, 2017
Generating feature usage scenarios in client-side web applications
J Maras, M Štula, J Carlson
Web Engineering: 13th International Conference, ICWE 2013, Aalborg, Denmark …, 2013
15 years of CBSE symposium: impact on the research community
J Maras, L Lednicki, I Crnkovic
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software …, 2012
Reusing web application user-interface controls
J Maras, M Štula, J Carlson
Web Engineering: 11th International Conference, ICWE 2011, Paphos, Cyprus …, 2011
Reverse engineering legacy Web applications with phpModeler
J Maras, A Petričić, M Štula
izlazi u samo elektronickom izdanju: NE, 2009
Towards specifying pragmatic software reuse
J Maras, M Štula, I Crnković
Proceedings of the 2015 European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2015
Distributed computation multi-agent system
M Štula, D Stipaničev, J Maras
New generation computing 31, 187-209, 2013
Extracting client-side web user interface controls
J Maras, M Štula, J Carlson
International Conference on Web Engineering, 502-505, 2010
phpModeler-a web model extractor
J Maras, M Štula, I Crnkovic
2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering …, 2009
Intelligent multi agent systems for decision support in insurance industry
I Markic, M Stula, J Maras
2014 37th international convention on information and communication …, 2014
Towards automatic client-side feature reuse
J Maras, J Carlson, I Crnković
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2013: 14th International Conference …, 2013
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