Herre van Oostendorp
Herre van Oostendorp
Associate professor Human-Media Interaction, Utrecht University
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Cited by
A meta-analysis of the cognitive and motivational effects of serious games.
P Wouters, C Van Nimwegen, H Van Oostendorp, ED Van Der Spek
Journal of educational psychology 105 (2), 249, 2013
A meta-analytic review of the role of instructional support in game-based learning
P Wouters, H Van Oostendorp
Computers & Education 60 (1), 412-425, 2013
Current practices in serious game research: A review from a learning outcomes perspective
P Wouters, ED Van der Spek, H Van Oostendorp
Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer …, 2009
The construction of mental representations during reading
H Van Oostendorp, SR Goldman
Psychology Press, 1998
Overview of instructional techniques to facilitate learning and motivation of serious games
P Wouters, H Van Oostendorp
Instructional techniques to facilitate learning and motivation of serious …, 2016
Do readers construct spatial representations in naturalistic story comprehension?
RA Zwaan, H Van Oostendorp
Discourse processes 16 (1-2), 125-143, 1993
On the role of interaction mode and story structure in virtual reality serious games
C Ferguson, EL Van den Broek, H Van Oostendorp
Computers & Education 143, 103671, 2020
The effects of the number of links and navigation support on cognitive load and learning with hypertext: The mediating role of reading order
RI Madrid, H Van Oostendorp, MCP Melguizo
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (1), 66-75, 2009
Cognitive effects of a structural overview in a hypertext
R Hofman, H Van Oostendorp
British Journal of Educational Technology 30 (2), 129-140, 1999
Eye movement as indicators of mental workload to trigger adaptive automation
T de Greef, H Lafeber, H van Oostendorp, J Lindenberg
Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and Operational …, 2009
E Sanchez, H van Oostendorp, JD Fijnheer, E Lavoué
Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, 816-827, 2020
How competition and heterogeneous collaboration interact in prevocational game-based mathematics education
J ter Vrugte, T de Jong, S Vandercruysse, P Wouters, H Van Oostendorp, ...
Computers & education 89, 42-52, 2015
The influence of screen size and text layout on the study of text
D Bruijn, S Mul, H Oostendorp
Behaviour & information technology 11 (2), 71-78, 1992
Moses beats Adam: A semantic relatedness effect on a semantic illusion
H Van Oostendorp, S De Mul
Acta psychologica 74 (1), 35-46, 1990
A critical review of argument visualization tools: Do users become better reasoners
SW van den Braak, H van Oostendorp, H Prakken, GAW Vreeswijk
Workshop Notes of the ECAI-2006 Workshop on CMNA, 67-75, 2006
The use of scripts in text comprehension
MD Uyl, H van Oostendorp
Poetics 9 (1), 275-294, 1980
Individual differences and behavioral metrics involved in modeling web navigation
I Juvina, H Oostendorp
Universal Access in the Information Society 4, 258-269, 2006
Measuring effectiveness of persuasive games using an informative control condition
M Soekarjo, H van Oostendorp
International journal of serious Games 2 (2), 2015
Locating information in an online newspaper
H van Oostendorp, C Van Nimwegen
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 4 (1), JCMC411, 1998
Measuring learning in serious games: a case study with structural assessment
P Wouters, ED van der Spek, H van Oostendorp
Educational technology research and development 59, 741-763, 2011
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Articles 1–20