Sara Ershadi-Nasab
Sara Ershadi-Nasab
Assistant Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
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Multiple Human 3D Pose Estimation from Multiview Images
S Ershadi-Nasab, E Noury, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017
Hybrid deep learning method based on lstm-autoencoder network for household short-term load forecasting
A Irankhah, S Rezazadeh, MHY Moghaddam, S Ershadi-Nasab
2021 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent …, 2021
Uncalibrated Multi-view Multiple Humans Association and 3D Pose Estimation by Adversarial Learning
S Ershadi-Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
Multimedia tools and applications, 2020
Optimized short-term load forecasting in residential buildings based on deep learning methods for different time horizons
A Irankhah, MH Yaghmaee, S Ershadi-Nasab
Journal of Building Engineering 84, 108505, 2024
A parallel CNN-BiGRU network for short-term load forecasting in demand-side management
A Irankhah, SR Saatlou, MH Yaghmaee, S Ershadi-Nasab, M Alishahi
2022 12th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2022
Multiview 3D reconstruction and human point cloud classification
S Ershadi Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei, A Ossia, M Mobini
Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2014 22nd Iranian Conference on, 1119-1124, 2014
Regression-Based Convolutional 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image
SE Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
IET Electronics letter, 2018
Permutohedral lattice in 3D point cloud processing.
S Ershadi Nasab, S Fouladi, S Ramezanpour, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
7 th international symposium on telecommunication. (IST 2014)., 2014
A new int2int high capacity robust steganography method with LSB 1/3 and rounding method for embedding message
SE Nasab, H Aghaeinia
2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011
Multi‐Vector Internet of Energy (IoE) A Key Enabler for the Integration of Conventional and Renewable Power Generation
S Ershadi‐nasab, EK Farahani, M Sharifzadeh
Industry 4.0 Vision for Energy and Materials: Enabling Technologies and Case …, 2022
An efficient inference in meanfield approximation by adaptive manifold filtering (Machine learning & data mining)
SE Nasab, S Ramezanpur, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
2014 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2014
A Systematic Method for Wireless Sensor Placement: A Fault‐Tolerant Communication Solution for Monitoring Water Distribution Networks
S Ershadi‐nasab, S Wangb, M Sharifzadeh
Industry 4.0 Vision for Energy and Materials: Enabling Technologies and Case …, 2022
BodyField: Structured Mean Field with Human Body Skeleton Model and Shifted Gaussian Edge Potentials
S Ershadi-Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei, E Noury, H Hafez-Kolahi
Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication 8 (30), 2020
RGB-D scene segmentation with Conditional Random Field
SE Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
2014 6th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT), 134-139, 2014
An Efficient Inference in Meanfield Approximation by Adaptive Manifold Filtering.
4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2014
RGB-D Scene Segmentation with Conditional Random Field
S Ershadi Nasab, S Kasaei, E Sanaei
6th conference of information technology and knowledge engineering. (IKT2014), 2014
A New Int2Int High Capacity Robust Steganography Method with LSB 1/3
S Ershadi Nasab, H Aghaeinia
19 th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering. ICEE2011., 2011
Design A High speed and low density microprocessor with 22 instruction for AES
S Ershadi Nasab
13 th student conference on Electrical Engineering . Tarbiat Moddaress …, 2010
A new way in implementation parallel decoder circuit of LDPC codes with use of ISE software and the VHDL language
M Manoochehri, S Ershadi Nasab, A Peryravi
18 conference of electrical engineering ,Esfahan, Iran.ICEE 2010., 2010
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Articles 1–19