Martine Bouman
Martine Bouman
Professor, Special Chair Entertainment Media and Social Change, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Tailoring in the digital era: Stimulating dialogues on health topics in collaboration with social media influencers
RO Lutkenhaus, J Jansz, MPA Bouman
Digital health 5, 2055207618821521, 2019
Turtles and peacocks: Collaboration in entertainment-education television
M Bouman
Communication Theory 12 (2), 225-244, 2002
Health education in television entertainment—Medisch Centrum West: a Dutch drama serial
M Bouman, L Maas, G Kok
Health education research 13 (4), 503-518, 1998
Informing logistics social responsibility from a consumer-choice-centered perspective
T Gruchmann, I Schmidt, S Lubjuhn, S Seuring, M Bouman
The International Journal of Logistics Management 30 (1), 96-116, 2019
Entertainment-education: storytelling for the greater, greener good
JL Reinermann, S Lubjuhn, M Bouman, A Singhal
International Journal of Sustainable Development 17 (2), 176-191, 2014
Entertainment-education television drama in the Netherlands
M Bouman
Entertainment-Education and social change, 247-264, 2003
Toward spreadable entertainment-education: leveraging social influence in online networks
RO Lutkenhaus, J Jansz, MPA Bouman
Health Promotion International 35 (5), 1241-1250, 2020
Mapping the Dutch vaccination debate on Twitter: Identifying communities, narratives, and interactions
RO Lutkenhaus, J Jansz, MPA Bouman
Vaccine: X 1, 100019, 2019
The Turtle and the Peacock Collaboration for Prosocial Change; The Entertainment-Education Strategy on Television
M Bouman
PQDT-Global, 1999
Collaboration for prosocial change: the turtle and the peacock: the entertainment-education strategy on television
M Bouman
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, 1999
The turtle and the peacock: The entertainment-education strategy on television
M Bouman
Haag: Thesis Wageningen Agricultural University/CIP-Data Koninklijke Bibiotheek, 1999
The turtle and the peacock
M Bouman
Collaboration for prosocial change: the, 1999
Ethical approaches to lifestyle campaigns
MPA Bouman, WJ Brown
Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1), 34-52, 2010
Mark my words: the design of an innovative methodology to detect and analyze interpersonal health conversations in web and social media
MPA Bouman, CHC Drossaert, ME Pieterse
Journal of Technology in Human Services 30 (3-4), 312-326, 2012
The turtle and the peacock: Collaboration for prosocial change
MPA Bouman
Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Agricultural University, 1998
Evaluation of a web-based culturally sensitive educational video to facilitate informed cervical cancer screening decisions among Turkish-and Moroccan-Dutch women aged 30 to 60 …
N Hamdiui, ML Stein, J van Steenbergen, R Crutzen, M Bouman, A Khan, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (10), e35962, 2022
Entertainment-Education in den Niederlanden und den USA
S Lubjuhn, M Bouman
Was kann Deutschalnd davon lernen merz (medien+ erziehung), Z …, 2009
What explains enhanced psychological resilience of students at VMBO schools in the Netherlands? The positive deviance approach in action
M Bouman, S Lubjuhn, A Singhal
Report submitted to the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and …, 2014
A strange kind of marriage: The challenging journey of entertainment-education collaboration
M Bouman
Entertainment-education behind the scenes: Case studies for theory and …, 2021
Sex und Soaps: Entertainment-Education in niederländischen TV-Serien
M Bouman
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