Juan Carlos Pichel
Juan Carlos Pichel
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Cited by
BigBWA: approaching the Burrows–Wheeler aligner to Big Data technologies
JM Abuín, JC Pichel, TF Pena, J Amigo
Bioinformatics 31 (24), 4003-4005, 2015
SparkBWA: speeding up the alignment of high-throughput DNA sequencing data
JM Abuín, JC Pichel, TF Pena, J Amigo
PloS one 11 (5), e0155461, 2016
Optimization of sparse matrix–vector multiplication using reordering techniques on GPUs
JC Pichel, FF Rivera, M Fernández, A Rodríguez
Microprocessors and Microsystems 36 (2), 65-77, 2012
Image segmentation based on merging of sub-optimal segmentations
JC Pichel, DE Singh, FF Rivera
Pattern recognition letters 27 (10), 1105-1116, 2006
LinguaKit: a Big Data-based multilingual tool for linguistic analysis and information extraction
P Gamallo, M Garcia, C Piñeiro, R Martinez-Castano, JC Pichel
2018 Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2018
Improving the locality of the sparse matrix-vector product on shared memory multiprocessors
JC Pichel, DB Heras, JC Cabaleiro, FF Rivera
12th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2004
Reordering algorithms for increasing locality on multicore processors
JC Pichel, DE Singh, J Carretero
2008 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2008
A big data platform for real time analysis of signs of depression in social media
R Martínez-Castaño, JC Pichel, DE Losada
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (13), 4752, 2020
Performance optimization of irregular codes based on the combination of reordering and blocking techniques
JC Pichel, DB Heras, JC Cabaleiro, FF Rivera
Parallel Computing 31 (8-9), 858-876, 2005
VeryFastTree: speeding up the estimation of phylogenies for large alignments through parallelization and vectorization strategies
C Piñeiro, JM Abuín, JC Pichel
Bioinformatics 36 (17), 4658-4659, 2020
3DyRM: a dynamic roofline model including memory latency information
OG Lorenzo, TF Pena, JC Cabaleiro, JC Pichel, FF Rivera
The Journal of Supercomputing 70, 696-708, 2014
A big data approach to metagenomics for all-food-sequencing
R Kobus, JM Abuín, A Müller, SL Hellmann, JC Pichel, TF Pena, ...
BMC bioinformatics 21, 1-15, 2020
PASTASpark: multiple sequence alignment meets Big Data
JM Abuín, TF Pena, JC Pichel
Bioinformatics 33 (18), 2948-2950, 2017
Análisis morfosintáctico y clasificación de entidades nombradas en un entorno Big Data
P Gamallo, JC Pichel, M Garcia, JM Abuín, TF Pena
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 53, 17-24, 2014
Sparse matrix classification on imbalanced datasets using convolutional neural networks
JC Pichel, B Pateiro-Lopez
IEEE Access 7, 82377-82389, 2019
A new approach for sparse matrix classification based on deep learning techniques
JC Pichel, B Pateiro-López
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 46-54, 2018
Data locality aware strategy for two-phase collective I/O
R Filgueira, DE Singh, JC Pichel, F Isaila, J Carretero
High Performance Computing for Computational Science-VECPAR 2008: 8th …, 2008
Sparse matrix–vector multiplication on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer many-core processor
JC Pichel, FF Rivera
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (12), 1539-1550, 2013
Increasing data reuse of sparse algebra codes on simultaneous multithreading architectures
JC Pichel, DB Heras, JC Cabaleiro, FF Rivera
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21 (15), 1838-1856, 2009
Perldoop: Efficient execution of Perl scripts on Hadoop clusters
JM Abuín, JC Pichel, TF Pena, P Gamallo, M Garcia
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 766-771, 2014
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Articles 1–20