Stella Boess
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the use of a game to stimulate energy saving in households
D Geelen, D Keyson, S Boess, H Brezet
Journal of Design Research 14 10 (1-2), 102-120, 2012
Robot vacuum cleaner personality and behavior
B Hendriks, B Meerbeek, S Boess, S Pauws, M Sonneveld
International Journal of Social Robotics 3, 187-195, 2011
Designing for residents: Building monitoring and co-creation in social housing renovation in the Netherlands.
O Guerra-Santin, S Boess, T Konstantinou, NR Herrera, T Klein, ...
Energy Research & Social Science, 2017
Meaning in product use: A design perspective
S Boess, H Kanis
Product experience, 305-332, 2008
When is role playing really experiential? Case studies
S Boess, D Saakes, C Hummels
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2007
Considering user profiles and occupants’ behaviour on a zero energy renovation strategy for multi-family housing in the Netherlands
O Guerra-Santin, H Bosch, P Budde, T Konstantinou, S Boess, T Klein, ...
Energy Efficiency 11, 1847-1870, 2018
First steps in role playing
SU Boess
CHI'08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 2017-2024, 2008
Rationales for Role playing in design
S Boess
Interaction vision: expressing and identifying the qualities of user-product interactions
G Pasman, S Boess, P Desmet
DS 69: Proceedings of E&PDE 2011, the 13th International Conference on …, 2011
Acting from a participatory attitude in a networked collaboration
S Boess, S Silvester, E De Wal, O De Wal
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2018
‘What's Love Got to Do With It?’The Experience of Love in Person-Product Relationships
B Russo, S Boess, P Hekkert
The Design Journal 14 (1), 8-27, 2011
Experiencing product use in product design
S Boess
DS 58-9: Proceedings of ICED 09, the 17th International Conference on …, 2009
Community-based co-design for informal care: bridging the gap between technology and context
BS Groeneveld, SU Boess, A Freudenthal
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (15), 266-273, 2013
Making sense of" things" developing new practices and methods for using tangible materials in collaborative processes
T Heinemann, S Boess, J Landgrebe, R Mitchell, M Nevile
Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design …, 2011
Meaning in product use: which terms do designers use in their work?
SU Boess
Procs. DeSForM, Offenbach, 20-27, 2008
Let’s get sociotechnical: a design perspective on zero energy renovations
S Boess
Urban Planning 7 (2), 97-107, 2022
Gaming for energy conservation in households
D Geelen, H Brezet, D Keyson, S Boess
Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation ERSCP-EMSU …, 2010
Using both qualitative and quantitative types of research to design a comfortable television chair
DMK Van Rosmalen, L Groenesteijn, S Boess, P Vink
Journal of Design Research 8 (1), 87-100, 2009
Designing a care pathway model–a case study of the outpatient total hip arthroplasty care pathway
RI Oosterholt, LWL Simonse, SU Boess, SBW Vehmeijer
International Journal of Integrated Care 17 (1), 2017
The everyday enactment of interfaces: a study of crises and conflicts in the more-than-human home
E Van Beek, E Giaccardi, S Boess, A Bozzon
Human–Computer Interaction 40 (1-4), 221-248, 2025
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Articles 1–20