F P Chavez
F P Chavez
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Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters
D Breitburg, LA Levin, A Oschlies, M Grégoire, FP Chavez, DJ Conley, ...
Science 359 (6371), eaam7240, 2018
Climatological mean and decadal change in surface ocean pCO2, and net sea–air CO2 flux over the global oceans
T Takahashi, SC Sutherland, R Wanninkhof, C Sweeney, RA Feely, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (8-10), 554-577, 2009
From anchovies to sardines and back: multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean
FP Chavez, J Ryan, SE Lluch-Cota, M Ñiquen C
science 299 (5604), 217-221, 2003
A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
KH Coale, KS Johnson, SE Fitzwater, RM Gordon, S Tanner, FP Chavez, ...
Nature 383 (6600), 495-501, 1996
Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean
JH Martin, KH Coale, KS Johnson, SE Fitzwater, RM Gordon, SJ Tanner, ...
Nature 371 (6493), 123-129, 1994
Biological consequences of el nino
RT Barber, FP Chavez
Science 222 (4629), 1203-1210, 1983
Mortality of sea lions along the central California coast linked to a toxic diatom bloom
CA Scholin, F Gulland, GJ Doucette, S Benson, M Busman, FP Chavez, ...
Nature 403 (6765), 80-84, 2000
Ocean color chlorophyll a algorithms for SeaWiFS, OC2, and OC4: Version 4
JE O’Reilly, S Maritorena, DA Siegel, MC O’Brien, D Toole, BG Mitchell, ...
SeaWiFS postlaunch calibration and validation analyses, Part 3, 9-23, 2000
Primary production in the eastern tropical Pacific: A review
JT Pennington, KL Mahoney, VS Kuwahara, DD Kolber, R Calienes, ...
Progress in oceanography 69 (2-4), 285-317, 2006
Biological and chemical response of the equatorial Pacific Ocean to the 1997-98 El Niño
FP Chavez, PG Strutton, GE Friederich, RA Feely, GC Feldman, DG Foley, ...
Science 286 (5447), 2126-2131, 1999
A comparison of eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems
FP Chavez, M Messié
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 80-96, 2009
Southern Ocean iron enrichment experiment: carbon cycling in high-and low-Si waters
KH Coale, KS Johnson, FP Chavez, KO Buesseler, RT Barber, ...
science 304 (5669), 408-414, 2004
An estimate of new production in the equatorial Pacific
FP Chavez, RT Barber
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 34 (7), 1229-1243, 1987
Marine primary production in relation to climate variability and change
FP Chavez, M Messié, JT Pennington
Annual review of marine science 3 (1), 227-260, 2011
The nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry of sinking particles from the margin of the Eastern North Pacific
MA Altabet, C Pilskaln, R Thunell, C Pride, D Sigman, F Chavez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 46 (4), 655-679, 1999
From wind to whales: trophic links in a coastal upwelling system
DA Croll, B Marinovic, S Benson, FP Chavez, N Black, R Ternullo, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 289, 117-130, 2005
The northern Humboldt Current System: Brief history, present status and a view towards the future
FP Chavez, A Bertrand, R Guevara-Carrasco, P Soler, J Csirke
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 95-105, 2008
Oxygen declines and the shoaling of the hypoxic boundary in the California Current
SJ Bograd, CG Castro, E Di Lorenzo, DM Palacios, H Bailey, W Gilly, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (12), 2008
The nature of the cold filaments in the California Current System
PT Strub, PM Kosro, A Huyer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 96 (C8), 14743-14768, 1991
Glacial to interglacial fluctuations in productivity in the equatorial Pacific as indicated by marine barite
A Paytan, M Kastner, FP Chavez
Science 274 (5291), 1355-1357, 1996
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Articles 1–20