Justin Ales
Justin Ales
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The steady-state visual evoked potential in vision research: A review
AM Norcia, LG Appelbaum, JM Ales, BR Cottereau, B Rossion
Journal of vision 15 (6), 4-4, 2015
V1 is not uniquely identified by polarity reversals of responses to upper and lower visual field stimuli
JM Ales, JL Yates, AM Norcia
Neuroimage 52 (4), 1401-1409, 2010
An objective method for measuring face detection thresholds using the sweep steady-state visual evoked response
JM Ales, F Farzin, B Rossion, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 12 (10), 18-18, 2012
Flies and humans share a motion estimation strategy that exploits natural scene statistics
DA Clark, JE Fitzgerald, JM Ales, DM Gohl, MA Silies, AM Norcia, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (2), 296-303, 2014
Disparity-tuned population responses from human visual cortex
BR Cottereau, SP McKee, JM Ales, AM Norcia
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (3), 954-965, 2011
The effects of visuospatial attention measured across visual cortex using source-imaged, steady-state EEG
TZ Lauritzen, JM Ales, AR Wade
Journal of vision 10 (14), 39-39, 2010
Assessing direction-specific adaptation using the steady-state visual evoked potential: Results from EEG source imaging
JM Ales, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 9 (7), 8-8, 2009
On determining the intracranial sources of visual evoked potentials from scalp topography: A reply to Kelly et al.(this issue)
JM Ales, JL Yates, AM Norcia
NeuroImage 64, 703-711, 2013
How to use fMRI functional localizers to improve EEG/MEG source estimation
BR Cottereau, JM Ales, AM Norcia
Journal of neuroscience methods 250, 64-73, 2015
The folding fingerprint of visual cortex reveals the timing of human V1 and V2
J Ales, T Carney, SA Klein
Neuroimage 49 (3), 2494-2502, 2010
The time course of shape discrimination in the human brain
JM Ales, LG Appelbaum, BR Cottereau, AM Norcia
Neuroimage 67, 77-88, 2013
Disparity-specific spatial interactions: Evidence from EEG source imaging
BR Cottereau, SP McKee, JM Ales, AM Norcia
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (3), 826-840, 2012
Increasing the accuracy of electromagnetic inverses using functional area source correlation constraints
BR Cottereau, JM Ales, AM Norcia
Human brain mapping 33 (11), 2694-2713, 2012
Sparse EEG/MEG source estimation via a group lasso
M Lim, JM Ales, BR Cottereau, T Hastie, AM Norcia
PloS one 12 (6), e0176835, 2017
Contrast gain control abnormalities in idiopathic generalized epilepsy
JJ Tsai, AM Norcia, JM Ales, AR Wade
Annals of neurology 70 (4), 574-582, 2011
Distinct effects of attention on the neural responses to form and motion processing: A SSVEP source-imaging study
M Palomares, JM Ales, AR Wade, BR Cottereau, AM Norcia
Journal of vision 12 (10), 15-15, 2012
Configural specificity of the lateral occipital cortex
LG Appelbaum, JM Ales, B Cottereau, AM Norcia
Neuropsychologia 48 (11), 3323-3328, 2010
The evolution of a disparity decision in human visual cortex
BR Cottereau, JM Ales, AM Norcia
NeuroImage 92, 193-206, 2014
Methods for quantifying intra-and inter-subject variability of evoked potential data applied to the multifocal visual evoked potential
S Dandekar, J Ales, T Carney, SA Klein
Journal of neuroscience methods 165 (2), 270-286, 2007
The reliability of pseudoneglect is task dependent
AG Mitchell, JM Harris, SE Benstock, JM Ales
Neuropsychologia 148, 107618, 2020
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Articles 1–20