Pauline A Found
Pauline A Found
Professor of Lean Operations Management
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Cited by
Staying Lean: thriving, not just surviving
P Buckley, P Found, G Griffiths, G Harrison
CRC press, 2017
A Lean & Green Model for a production cell
AB Pampanelli, P Found, AM Bernardes
Journal of cleaner production 85, 19-30, 2014
Lean implementation within SMEs: a literature review
Q Hu, R Mason, SJ Williams, P Found
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 26 (7), 980-1012, 2015
How did the publication of the book The Machine That Changed The World change management thinking? Exploring 25 years of lean literature
D Samuel, P Found, SJ Williams
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 35 (10), 1386-1407, 2015
Towards lean product lifecycle management: a framework for new product development
P Hines, M Francis, P Found
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 17 (7), 866-887, 2006
The effect of resistance in organizational change programmes: A study of a lean transformation
J Canning, PA Found
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 7 (2/3), 274-295, 2015
The state-of-the-art of the theory on Product-Service Systems
AQ Li, M Kumar, B Claes, P Found
International Journal of Production Economics 222, 107491, 2020
Understanding the lean voice of the customer
P Found, R Harrison
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 3 (3), 251-267, 2012
Towards sustainability: PSS, digital technology and value co-creation
AQ Li, P Found
Procedia Cirp 64, 79-84, 2017
Exploring product–service systems in the digital era: a socio-technical systems perspective
AQ Li, N Rich, P Found, M Kumar, S Brown
The TQM Journal 32 (4), 897-913, 2020
Design and implementation of a Drum-Buffer-Rope pull-system
J Darlington, M Francis, P Found, A Thomas
Production Planning & Control 26 (6), 489-504, 2015
An examination of the role for Business Orientation in an uncertain business environment
J Lynch, RJ Mason, AKC Beresford, PA Found
International Journal of Production Economics 137 (1), 145-156, 2012
Leading the lean enterprise
P Found, R Harvey
Engineering Management 17 (1), 40-43, 2007
Lean on me’: an integrative literature review on the middle management role in lean
P Reynders, M Kumar, P Found
Total quality management & business excellence 33 (3-4), 318-354, 2022
Staying Lean: Thriving
P Hines, P Found, G Griffiths, R Harrison
Not Just Surviving, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2008
TQM, games design and the implications of integration in Industry 4.0 systems
A Beard-Gunter, DG Ellis, PA Found
International journal of quality and service sciences 11 (2), 235-247, 2019
Staying lean
P Hines, P Found, G Griffiths, R Harrison
Productivity Press, 2011
Innovative airport 4.0 condition-based maintenance system for baggage handling DCV systems
F Koenig, PA Found, M Kumar
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68 (3), 561-577, 2019
Understanding the lean enterprise
A Chiarini, P Found, N Rish
NY: Springer, 2016
Targeting lean process improvement projects for maximum financial impact
J Darlington, M Francis, P Found, A Thomas
Production Planning & Control 27 (2), 114-132, 2016
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Articles 1–20