Jelte van Waterschoot
Jelte van Waterschoot
PhD student
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Geciteerd door
Flipper 2.0: A pragmatic dialogue engine for embodied conversational agents
J van Waterschoot, M Bruijnes, J Flokstra, D Reidsma, D Davison, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …, 2018
Ask Alice: an artificial retrieval of information agent
M Valstar, T Baur, A Cafaro, A Ghitulescu, B Potard, J Wagner, E André, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2016
Selecting and Expressing Communicative Functions in a SAIBA-Compliant Agent Framework
A Cafaro, M Bruijnes, J van Waterschoot, C Pelachaud, M Theune, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 73-82, 2017
BLISS. An Agent for Collecting Spoken Dialogue data about Health and Well-being
J Waterschoot, IHE Hendrickx, A Khan, E Klabbers, H Strik, C Cucchiarini, ...
Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2020
Take back control: User privacy and transparency concerns in personalized conversational agents
I Hendrickx, JB van Waterschoot, A Khan, L ten Bosch, H Strik, ...
26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2021, 2021
I Probe, Therefore I Am: Designing a Virtual Journalist with Human Emotions
KK Bowden, T Nilsson, CP Spencer, K Cengiz, A Ghitulescu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.06694, 2017
Show me yours if i show you mine: self-disclosure in conversational agents
L van Uffelen, J van Waterschoot, M Theune
HRI Workshop 2021: Robo-Identity: Artificial identity and multi-embodiment, 2021
Babbelbord: a personalized conversational game for people with dementia
DS Nazareth, C Burghardt, A Capra, P Cristoforetti, W Lam, ...
Dementia Lab 2019. Making Design Work: Engaging with Dementia in Context …, 2019
Eliciting User Self-disclosure using Reciprocity in Human-Voicebot Conversations
WN Harmsen, J Van Waterschoot, I Hendrickx, M Theune
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User …, 2023
Towards a new generation of personalized intelligent conversational agents
I Hendrickx, F Cena, E Basar, L Di Caro, F Kunneman, E Musi, C Musto, ...
Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation …, 2021
Evaluating conversational question generation: Coffeebot
J van Waterschoot, M Theune
Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Internaction …, 2021
HAI Alice-An Information-Providing Closed-Domain Dialog Corpus
J van Waterschoot, GD Duplessis, L Gatti, M Bruijnes, D Heylen
International conference on language resources and evaluation (LREC 2018), 2018
An Information-Providing Closed-Domain Human-Agent Interaction Corpus
J van Waterschoot, GD Duplessis, L Gatti, M Bruijnes, D Heylen
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Personal and Personalized Conversations: Designing Agents Who Want To Connect With You
JB van Waterschoot
Spoken Conversational Agents for Older Adults. Who Are the Stakeholders and What Do They Expect?
JB van Waterschoot, IHE Hendrickx, A Khan, C Cucchiarini, H Strik, ...
Texas, USA: CEUR-WS, 2021
BLISS v1 Spoken Dialogue Dataset
IHE Hendrickx, J van Waterschoot, A Khan, E Klabbers, LFM ten Bosch, ...
Instituut voor de Nederlandse taal, 2020
Challenges in Long-term Evaluations of ECAs in the Real World
J van Waterschoot, M Theune
An Information-Providing Closed-Domain Human-Agent Interaction Corpus
M Bruijnes, L Gatti, J van Waterschoot, GD Duplessis
11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), 2017
Support for Resilience in Human-Robot USAR Teams
JB van Waterschoot
The More you Know About Everything, the Less you Know About Anything: What makes it easier to determine what is relevant in problem solving?
JB van Waterschoot
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Artikelen 1–20