Prabhakar Dixit
Prabhakar Dixit
PhD Student
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Discovering deviating cases and process variants using trace clustering
BFA Hompes, J Buijs, WMP Van der Aalst, PM Dixit, J Buurman
27th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2015), 2015
Detecting change in processes using comparative trace clustering
BFA Hompes, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst, PM Dixit, J Buurman
5th International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis …, 2015
Detection and interactive repair of event ordering imperfection in process logs
PM Dixit, S Suriadi, R Andrews, MT Wynn, AHM ter Hofstede, JCAM Buijs, ...
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 30th International Conference …, 2018
Interactive data-driven process model construction
PM Dixit, HMW Verbeek, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst
Conceptual Modeling: 37th International Conference, ER 2018, Xi'an, China …, 2018
Enabling interactive process analysis with process mining and visual analytics
PM Dixit, HSG Caballero, A Corvo, BFA Hompes, JCAM Buijs, ...
Special Session on Analysis of Clinical Processes 6, 573-584, 2017
Detecting changes in process behavior using comparative case clustering
BFA Hompes, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst, PM Dixit, J Buurman
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 5th IFIP WG 2.6 International …, 2017
Evaluating the effectiveness of interactive process discovery in healthcare: a case study
E Benevento, PM Dixit, MF Sani, D Aloini, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2019 International Workshops …, 2019
Using domain knowledge to enhance process mining results
PM Dixit, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst, BFA Hompes, J Buurman
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 5th IFIP WG 2.6 International …, 2017
Visual analytics for evaluating clinical pathways
HSG Caballero, A Corvò, PM Dixit, MA Westenberg
2017 IEEE Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), 39-46, 2017
Prodigy: human-in-the-loop process discovery
PM Dixit, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst
2018 12th international conference on research challenges in information …, 2018
Enhancing process mining results using domain knowledge
PM Dixit, JCAM Buijs, WMP van der Aalst, BFA Hompes, J Buurman
5th International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis …, 2015
Towards process mining of EMR data-case study for sepsis management
GJ de Vries, RAQ Neira, G Geleijnse, P Dixit, BF Mazza
Special Session on Analysis of Clinical Processes 6, 585-593, 2017
Fast incremental conformance analysis for interactive process discovery
PM Dixit, JCAM Buijs, HMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 …, 2018
Using process analytics to improve healthcare processes
B Hompes, P Dixit, J Buijs
Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications, 305-325, 2019
Fast conformance analysis based on activity log abstraction
PM Dixit, HMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
2018 IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2018
Handling of building permit applications in The Netherlands: a multi-dimensional analysis
PM Dixit, BFA Hompes, N Tax, SJ van Zelst
Fifth International Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPIC’15), 31 …, 2015
Incremental Computation of Synthesis Rules for Free-Choice Petri Nets
PM Dixit, HMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 15th International Conference, FACS …, 2018
Generating a process model
P Dixit, J Buurman
US Patent App. 16/477,896, 2021
Incremental Synthesis Rules Computation for Free-Choice Petri nets
PM Dixit, HMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
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Articles 1–19