An audit of technological innovation capabilities in Chinese firms: some empirical findings in Beijing, China RCM Yam, JC Guan, KF Pun, EPY Tang Research policy 33 (8), 1123-1140, 2004 | 1172 | 2004 |
Analysis of sources of innovation, technological innovation capabilities, and performance: An empirical study of Hong Kong manufacturing industries RCM Yam, W Lo, EPY Tang, AKW Lau Research policy 40 (3), 391-402, 2011 | 860 | 2011 |
A study of the relationship between competitiveness and technological innovation capability based on DEA models JC Guan, RCM Yam, CK Mok, N Ma European journal of operational research 170 (3), 971-986, 2006 | 738 | 2006 |
Intelligent predictive decision support system for condition-based maintenance RCM Yam, PW Tse, L Li, P Tu The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 17, 383-391, 2001 | 700 | 2001 |
Effects of supplier and customer integration on product innovation and performance: Empirical evidence in Hong Kong manufacturers AKW Lau, E Tang, RCM Yam Journal of product innovation management 27 (5), 761-777, 2010 | 665 | 2010 |
Wavelet analysis and envelope detection for rolling element bearing fault diagnosis—their effectiveness and flexibilities PW Tse, YH Peng, R Yam J. Vib. Acoust. 123 (3), 303-310, 2001 | 598 | 2001 |
A new method for measuring uncertainty and fuzziness in rough set theory J Liang, KS Chin, C Dang, RCM Yam International Journal of General Systems 31 (4), 331-342, 2002 | 435 | 2002 |
Effects of government financial incentives on firms’ innovation performance in China: Evidences from Beijing in the 1990s JC Guan, RCM Yam Research Policy 44 (1), 273-282, 2015 | 415 | 2015 |
The impacts of product modularity on competitive capabilities and performance: An empirical study KWL Antonio, RCM Yam, E Tang International Journal of Production Economics 105 (1), 1-20, 2007 | 301 | 2007 |
Technology transfer and innovation performance: Evidence from Chinese firms JC Guan, CK Mok, RCM Yam, KS Chin, KF Pun Technological Forecasting and Social Change 73 (6), 666-678, 2006 | 261 | 2006 |
Supply chain integration and product modularity: An empirical study of product performance for selected Hong Kong manufacturing industries AKW Lau, RCM Yam, EPY Tang International Journal of Operations & Production Management 30 (1), 20-56, 2010 | 260 | 2010 |
General sequential imperfect preventive maintenance models D Lin, MJ Zuo, RCM Yam International Journal of reliability, Quality and safety Engineering 7 (03 …, 2000 | 242 | 2000 |
Approaches for reliability modeling of continuous-state devices MJ Zuo, R Jiang, RCM Yam IEEE transactions on reliability 48 (1), 9-18, 1999 | 219 | 1999 |
Collaboration between industry and research institutes/universities on industrial innovation in Beijing, China JC Guan, RCM Yam, CK Mok Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 17 (3), 339-353, 2005 | 200 | 2005 |
Sequential imperfect preventive maintenance models with two categories of failure modes D Lin, MJ Zuo, RCM Yam Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 48 (2), 172-183, 2001 | 191 | 2001 |
The impact of product modularity on new product performance: Mediation by product innovativeness AKW Lau, RCM Yam, E Tang Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (2), 270-284, 2011 | 183 | 2011 |
Does country-level R&D efficiency benefit from the collaboration network structure? JC Guan, KR Zuo, KH Chen, RCM Yam Research Policy 45 (4), 770-784, 2016 | 165 | 2016 |
A comprehensive reliability allocation method for design of CNC lathes Y Wang, RCM Yam, MJ Zuo, P Tse Reliability Engineering & System Safety 72 (3), 247-252, 2001 | 156 | 2001 |
Flame retardancy of rice husk-filled high-density polyethylene ecocomposites Q Zhao, B Zhang, H Quan, RCM Yam, RKK Yuen, RKY Li Composites Science and technology 69 (15-16), 2675-2681, 2009 | 155 | 2009 |
Biodegradation behavior of polycaprolactone/rice husk ecocomposites in simulated soil medium Q Zhao, J Tao, RCM Yam, ACK Mok, RKY Li, C Song Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (8), 1571-1576, 2008 | 145 | 2008 |