Katerina Makarova
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Cited by
Free radical reaction pathway, thermochemistry of peracetic acid homolysis, and its application for phenol degradation: spectroscopic study and quantum chemistry calculations
EV Rokhina, K Makarova, EA Golovina, H Van As, J Virkutyte
Environmental science & technology 44 (17), 6815-6821, 2010
Ultrasound-assisted MnO2 catalyzed homolysis of peracetic acid for phenol degradation: The assessment of process chemistry and kinetics
EV Rokhina, K Makarova, M Lahtinen, EA Golovina, H Van As, J Virkutyte
Chemical engineering journal 221, 476-486, 2013
1H and 13C NMR‐based sugar profiling with chemometric analysis and antioxidant activity of herbhoneys and honeys
MK Jamróz, K Paradowska, K Zawada, K Makarova, S Kaźmierski, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94 (2), 246-255, 2014
Harvest time affects antioxidant capacity, total polyphenol and flavonoid content of Polish St John’s wort’s (Hypericum perforatum L.) flowers
K Makarova, JJ Sajkowska-Kozielewicz, K Zawada, E Olchowik-Grabarek, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 3989, 2021
Screening of toxic effects of bisphenol A and products of its degradation: zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo test and molecular docking
K Makarova, P Siudem, K Zawada, J Kurkowiak
Zebrafish 13 (5), 466-474, 2016
Spectroscopic studies of Er-centers in MOCVD grown GaN layers highly doped with Er
K Makarova, M Stachowicz, V Glukhanyuk, A Kozanecki, C Ugolini, JY Lin, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 146 (1-3), 193-195, 2008
Comparative analysis of BPA and HQ toxic impacts on human erythrocytes, protective effect mechanism of tannins (Rhus typhina)
E Olchowik-Grabarek, K Makarova, S Mavlyanov, N Abdullajanova, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 1200-1209, 2018
Comparison of α-helix and β-sheet structure adaptation to a quantum dot geometry: Toward the identification of an optimal motif for a protein nanoparticle cover
K Kopeć, M Pędziwiatr, D Gront, O Sztatelman, J Sławski, M Łazicka, ...
ACS omega 4 (8), 13086-13099, 2019
Combination of neural networks and DFT calculations for the comprehensive analysis of FDMPO radical adducts from fast isotropic electron spin resonance spectra
K Makarova, EV Rokhina, EA Golovina, H Van As, J Virkutyte
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (1), 443-451, 2012
Optimization of white-rot fungi mycelial culture components for bioremediation of pharmaceutical-derived pollutants
A Sośnicka, B Kózka, K Makarova, J Giebułtowicz, M Klimaszewska, ...
Water 14 (9), 1374, 2022
Theoretical and practical aspects of chemical functionalization of carbon nanofibers (CNFs): DFT calculations and adsorption study
EV Rokhina, M Lahtinen, K Makarova, V Jegatheesan, J Virkutyte
Bioresource Technology 113, 127-131, 2012
Oxidation of contaminants of emerging concern by combination of peracetic acid with iron ions and various types of light radiation–Optimization, kinetics, removal efficiency …
U Kotowska, J Karpińska, D Kiejza, A Ratkiewicz, J Piekutin, K Makarova, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 369, 120859, 2023
Optimization of antioxidant properties of creams with berry extracts by artificial neural networks
K Makarova, K Zawada, D Wagner, J Skowyra
Acta Physica Polonica A 132 (1), 44-51, 2017
Zanieczyszczenie środowiska bisfenolem A
D Łaszczyca, P Paradowska, K Makarova
Prospects in Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 (1), 1-5, 2015
ESR study of spin trapping in Fenton media in the presence of taxifolin
K Makarova, K Łastawska, D Wagner, I Wawer
Journal of Molecular Structure 1067, 27-36, 2014
Products of Bisphenol A degradation induce cytotoxicity in human erythrocytes (in vitro)
K Makarova, E Olchowik-Grabarek, K Drabikowski, J Kurkowiak, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (1), 492, 2022
Antioxidant properties and stability of Geissospermum reticulatum tinctures: Lag phase ESR and chemometric analysis
JJ Sajkowska-Kozielewicz, K Gulik, K Makarova, K Paradowska
Acta Physica Polonica A 132 (1), 68-73, 2017
Geissospermiculatine, a New Alkaloid from Geissospermum reticulatum Bark
JJ Sajkowska-Kozielewicz, P Kozielewicz, K Makarova, M Stocki, ...
Molecules 26 (1), 143, 2020
The effect of 1800 MHz radio-frequency radiation on NMDA receptor subunit NR1 expression and peroxidation in the rat brain in healthy and inflammatory states
P Bodera, K Makarova, K Zawada, B Antkowiak, M Paluch, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 92, 802-809, 2017
Benchtop X-band electron paramagnetic resonance detection of melanin and Nitroxyl spin probe in zebrafish
K Makarova, K Zawada, M Wiweger
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 183, 69-74, 2022
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Articles 1–20