Wiemer Salverda
Wiemer Salverda
Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies AIAS, U. of Amsterdam
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The Oxford handbook of economic inequality
W Salverda, B Nolan, TM Smeeding
OUP Oxford, 2009
Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences
B Nolan, W Salverda, D Checchi, I Marx, A McKnight, H Werfhorst
Oxford University Press, 2014
Low-wage employment in Europe: a review of the evidence
C Lucifora, A McKnight, W Salverda
Socio-economic review 3 (2), 259-292, 2005
Changing inequalities in rich countries: Analytical and comparative perspectives
W Salverda, B Nolan, D Checchi, I Marx, A McKnight, IG Tóth, ...
OUP Oxford, 2014
Consequences of economic inequality: Introduction to a special issue
HG Van de Werfhorst, W Salverda
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30 (4), 377-387, 2012
Top Incomes in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom over the 20th Century
AB Atkinson, W Salverda
Journal of the European Economic Association 3 (4), 883-913, 2005
Labour-Market Institutions and the Dispersion of Wage Earnings
W Salverda, D Checchi
Handbook of Income Distribution 2, 1535–1727, 2014
Low pay, living standards and employment
G Mason, W Salverda
J. Schmitt et al.(2009), Low-Wage Work in Wealthy Countries, Russel Sage …, 2009
Capitalist economies and wage inequality
W Salverda, K Mayhew
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 25 (1), 126-154, 2009
Low pay
C Lucifora, W Salverda
Low-wage work in the Netherlands
W Salverda, M Van Klaveren, M Van Der Meer
Russell Sage Foundation, 2008
Top incomes in the Netherlands over the twentieth century
W Salverda, AB Atkinson
Top Incomes over the Twentieth Century: A Contrast between Continental …, 2007
Employment inequalities
A Glyn, W Salverda
Jerome Levy Economics Institute Working Paper, 1999
Services and employment: explaining the US-European gap
M Gregory, W Salverda, R Schettkat
Princeton University Press, 2007
Low-wage employment in Europe
S Bazen, M Gregory, W Salverda
Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998
Labour market inequalities: problems and policies of low-wage employment in international perspective
M Gregory, W Salverda, S Bazen
Oxford University Press, 2000
Youth unemployment: Dynamics of the Dutch labour market 1955-1988
W Salverda
Wolters-Noordhoff, 1992
The European-American employment gap, wage inequality, earnings mobility and skill: A study for France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States …
W Salverda, S Bazen, M Gregory, S Connolly, P Gottschalk, A de Grip, ...
Is there more to the Dutch miracle than a lot of part-time jobs?
W Salverda
Groningen: Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen, 1999
Wealth Inequality and the Accumulation of Debt
V Maestri, F Bogliacino, W Salverda
Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries: Analytical and Comparative …, 2014
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