Arkady Zgonnikov
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Cited by
Meaningful human control: actionable properties for AI system development
L Cavalcante Siebert*, ML Lupetti*, E Aizenberg*, N Beckers*, ...
AI and Ethics, 1-15, 2022
Should I stay or should I go? Cognitive modeling of left-turn gap acceptance decisions in human drivers
A Zgonnikov, D Abbink, G Markkula
Human factors 66 (5), 1399-1413, 2024
To react or not to react? Intrinsic stochasticity of human control in virtual stick balancing
A Zgonnikov, I Lubashevsky, S Kanemoto, T Miyazawa, T Suzuki
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (99), 20140636, 2014
Decision landscapes: visualizing mouse-tracking data
A Zgonnikov, A Aleni, PT Piiroinen, D O'Hora, M di Bernardo
Royal Society open science 4 (11), 170482, 2017
MORAL: Aligning AI with Human Norms through Multi-Objective Reinforced Active Learning
M Peschl, A Zgonnikov, FA Oliehoek, LC Siebert
AAMAS '22: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous …, 2022
Changes-of-mind in the absence of new post-decision evidence
NAA Atiya*, A Zgonnikov*, D O’Hora, M Schoemann, S Scherbaum, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (2), e1007149, 2020
A human factors approach to validating driver models for interaction-aware automated vehicles
O Siebinga, A Zgonnikov, D Abbink
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) 11 (4), 1-21, 2022
The action dynamics of approach-avoidance conflict during decision-making
S Garcia-Guerrero, D O´Hora, A Zgonnikov, S Scherbaum
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218221087625, 2022
Double-well dynamics of noise-driven control activation in human intermittent control: the case of stick balancing
A Zgonnikov, I Lubashevsky
Cognitive processing 16, 351-358, 2015
Extended phase space description of human-controlled systems dynamics
A Zgonnikov, I Lubashevsky
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014 (3), 033J02, 2014
Beyond reach: Do symmetric changes in motor costs affect decision making? A registered report
A Zgonnikov, N Atiya, D O'Hora, I Rañò, KF Wong-Lin
Judgment and Decision Making 14 (4), 455-469, 2019
Evidence Accumulation Account of Human Operators' Decisions in Intermittent Control During Inverted Pendulum Balancing
A Zgonnikov, G Markkula
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
Benchmarking behavior prediction models in gap acceptance scenarios
JF Schumann, J Kober, A Zgonnikov
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8 (3), 2580-2591, 2023
Response times in drivers' gap acceptance decisions during overtaking
A Sevenster, H Farah, D Abbink, A Zgonnikov
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 94, 329-340, 2023
Nudging human drivers via implicit communication by automated vehicles: Empirical evidence and computational cognitive modeling
A Zgonnikov, N Beckers, A George, D Abbink, C Jonker
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 185, 103224, 2024
Modelling communication-enabled traffic interactions
O Siebinga, A Zgonnikov, DA Abbink
Royal Society open science 10 (5), 230537, 2023
Modeling Gap Acceptance in Overtaking: A Cognitive Process Approach
SHA Mohammad, H Farah, A Zgonnikov
2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2023
Using models based on cognitive theory to predict human behavior in traffic: A case study
JF Schumann, AR Srinivasan, J Kober, G Markkula, A Zgonnikov
2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2023
Optimality and limitations of audio-visual integration for cognitive systems
WP Boyce, A Lindsay, A Zgonnikov, I Rañó, KF Wong-Lin
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 94, 2020
How the type of visual feedback affects actions of human operators: the case of virtual stick balancing
A Zgonnikov, S Kanemoto, I Lubashevsky, T Suzuki
2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1100-1103, 2015
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Articles 1–20