Vladimir Pudalov
Vladimir Pudalov
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS
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Possible metal-insulator transition at B= 0 in two dimensions
SV Kravchenko, GV Kravchenko, JE Furneaux, VM Pudalov, M d’Iorio
Physical Review B 50 (11), 8039, 1994
Scaling of an anomalous metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional system in silicon at B= 0
SV Kravchenko, WE Mason, GE Bowker, JE Furneaux, VM Pudalov, ...
Physical Review B 51 (11), 7038, 1995
Field effect transistors on rubrene single crystals with parylene gate insulator
V Podzorov, VM Pudalov, ME Gershenson
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0210555, 2002
Single-crystal organic field effect transistors with the hole mobility
V Podzorov, SE Sysoev, E Loginova, VM Pudalov, ME Gershenson
Applied Physics Letters 83 (17), 3504-3506, 2003
Anomalous High‐Temperature Superconductivity in YH6
IA Troyan, DV Semenok, AG Kvashnin, AV Sadakov, OA Sobolevskiy, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (15), 2006832, 2021
Magnetic field suppression of the conducting phase in two dimensions
D Simonian, SV Kravchenko, MP Sarachik, VM Pudalov
Physical review letters 79 (12), 2304, 1997
Superconductivity at 161 K in thorium hydride ThH10: Synthesis and properties
DV Semenok, AG Kvashnin, AG Ivanova, V Svitlyk, VY Fominski, ...
Materials Today 33, 36-44, 2020
Low-density spin susceptibility and effective mass of mobile electrons in Si inversion layers
VM Pudalov, ME Gershenson, H Kojima, N Butch, EM Dizhur, ...
Physical review letters 88 (19), 196404, 2002
Superconductivity at 253 K in lanthanum–yttrium ternary hydrides
DV Semenok, IA Troyan, AG Ivanova, AG Kvashnin, IA Kruglov, ...
Materials Today 48, 18-28, 2021
Instability of the two-dimensional metallic phase to a parallel magnetic field
VM Pudalov, G Brunthaler, A Prinz, G Bauer
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 65, 932-937, 1997
Zero-magnetic-field collective insulator phase in a dilute 2D electron system
VM Pudalov, M D’Iorio, SV Kravchenko, JW Campbell
Physical review letters 70 (12), 1866, 1993
Global phase diagram for the quantum Hall effect: An experimental picture
SV Kravchenko, W Mason, JE Furneaux, VM Pudalov
Physical review letters 75 (5), 910, 1995
Thermodynamic spin magnetization of strongly correlated two-dimensional electrons in a silicon inversion layer
O Prus, Y Yaish, M Reznikov, U Sivan, V Pudalov
Physical Review B 67 (20), 205407, 2003
VM, M. D’Iorio
SV Kravchenko, WE Mason, GE Bowler, JE Furneaux, VM Pudalov
Phys. Rev. B 51, 7038, 1995
Metal–insulator transition in 2D: resistance in the critical region
BL Altshuler, DL Maslov, VM Pudalov
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 9 (2), 209-225, 2001
Superconducting properties of sulfur-doped iron selenide
M Abdel-Hafiez, YY Zhang, ZY Cao, CG Duan, G Karapetrov, VM Pudalov, ...
Physical Review B 91 (16), 165109, 2015
Interaction effects in conductivity of Si inversion layers at intermediate temperatures
VM Pudalov, ME Gershenson, H Kojima, G Brunthaler, A Prinz, G Bauer
Physical review letters 91 (12), 126403, 2003
Magnetic field induced transitions between quantized hall and insulator states in a dilute 2D electron gas
M D'Iorio, VM Pudalov, SG Semenchinsky
Physics Letters A 150 (8-9), 422-426, 1990
Evidence for the influence of electron-electron interaction on the chemical potential of the two-dimensional electron gas
SV Kravchenko, DA Rinberg, SG Semenchinsky, VM Pudalov
Physical Review B 42 (6), 3741, 1990
Thermoelectric and hot-electron properties of a silicon inversion layer
R Fletcher, VM Pudalov, Y Feng, M Tsaousidou, PN Butcher
Physical Review B 56 (19), 12422, 1997
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Articles 1–20