Rob H. Bisseling
Rob H. Bisseling
Professor in Mathematics, Utrecht University
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A comparison of different propagation schemes for the time dependent Schrödinger equation
C Leforestier, RH Bisseling, C Cerjan, MD Feit, R Friesner, A Guldberg, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 94 (1), 59-80, 1991
BSPlib: The BSP programming library
JMD Hill, B McColl, DC Stefanescu, MW Goudreau, K Lang, SB Rao, ...
Parallel Computing 24 (14), 1947-1980, 1998
Parallel Scientific Computation: A structured approach using BSP and MPI
RH Bisseling
Oxford University Press, 2004
Parallel hypergraph partitioning for scientific computing
KD Devine, EG Boman, RT Heaphy, RH Bisseling, UV Catalyurek
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th …, 2006
A two-dimensional data distribution method for parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication
B Vastenhouw, RH Bisseling
SIAM Review 47 (1), 67-95, 2005
Scientific computing on bulk synchronous parallel architectures
RH Bisseling, WF McColl
Technology and Foundations: Information Processing ’94, Vol. I, 509–514, 1993
Exact time‐dependent quantum mechanical dissociation dynamics of I2He: Comparison of exact time‐dependent quantum calculation with the quantum time‐dependent self‐consistent …
RH Bisseling, R Kosloff, RB Gerber, MA Ratner, L Gibson, C Cerjan
Journal of Chemical Physics 87 (5), 2760-2765, 1987
Dynamics of hyperspherical and local mode resonance decay studied by time dependent wave packet propagation
RH Bisseling, R Kosloff, J Manz
Journal of Chemical Physics 83 (3), 993-1004, 1985
Cache-oblivious sparse matrix-vector multiplication by using sparse matrix partitioning methods
AN Yzelman, RH Bisseling
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (4), 3128-3154, 2009
Communication balancing in parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication
RH Bisseling, W Meesen
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 21, 47-65, 2005
A parallel approximation algorithm for the weighted maximum matching problem
F Manne, RH Bisseling
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2007, 708-717, 2008
The fast Hankel transform as a tool in the solution of the time dependent Schrödinger equation
R Bisseling, R Kosloff
Journal of Computational Physics 59 (1), 136-151, 1985
Exact enumeration of self-avoiding walks
RD Schram, GT Barkema, RH Bisseling
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (06), P06019, 2011
Lifetimes of local and hyperspherical vibrational resonances of ABA molecules
RH Bisseling, R Kosloff, J Manz, F Mrugała, J Römelt, G Weichselbaumer
Journal of Chemical Physics 86 (5), 2626-2638, 1987
A GPU algorithm for greedy graph matching
BO Fagginger Auer, RH Bisseling
Facing the Multicore-Challenge II, 108-119, 2012
Device-size atomistic models of amorphous silicon
RLC Vink, GT Barkema, MA Stijnman, RH Bisseling
Physical Review B 64 (24), 245214, 2001
MulticoreBSP for C: a high-performance library for shared-memory parallel programming
AN Yzelman, RH Bisseling, D Roose, K Meerbergen
International Journal of Parallel Programming 42 (4), 619-642, 2014
Two-dimensional cache-oblivious sparse matrix-vector multiplication
AN Yzelman, RH Bisseling
Parallel Computing 37 (12), 806-819, 2011
Parallel LU decomposition on a transputer network
RH Bisseling, JGG van de Vorst
Parallel Computing 1988 384, 61-77, 1989
Parallel sparse LU decomposition on a mesh network of transputers
AF van der Stappen, RH Bisseling, JGG van de Vorst
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 14 (3), 853-879, 1993
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