Tena Alamirew Agumassie
Tena Alamirew Agumassie
Water and Land Resource Centre, Ethiopian Instittue of Water Resources,Addis Ababa University
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Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia
SB Awulachew, AD Yilma, M Loulseged, W Loiskandl, M Ayana, ...
Iwmi, 2007
Modeling of sediment yield in Maybar gauged watershed using SWAT, northeast Ethiopia
HM Yesuf, M Assen, T Alamirew, AM Melesse
Catena 127, 191-205, 2015
Implications of land use/land cover dynamics and Prosopis invasion on ecosystem service values in Afar Region, Ethiopia
H Shiferaw, W Bewket, T Alamirew, G Zeleke, D Teketay, K Bekele, ...
Science of the total environment 675, 354-366, 2019
Modeling climate change impact on the Hydrology of Keleta watershed in the Awash River basin, Ethiopia
D Bekele, T Alamirew, A Kebede, G Zeleke, A M. Melesse
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 24, 95-107, 2019
Analysis of rainfall trend and variability for agricultural water management in Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
D Bekele, T Alamirew, A Kebede, G Zeleke, AM Melese
Journal of Water and Climate Change 8 (1), 127-141, 2017
Calibration and validation of SWAT model and estimation of water balance components of Shaya mountainous watershed, Southeastern Ethiopia
AA Shawul, T Alamirew, MO Dinka
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (11), 13955-13978, 2013
Modelling the current fractional cover of an invasive alien plant and drivers of its invasion in a dryland ecosystem
H Shiferaw, U Schaffner, W Bewket, T Alamirew, G Zeleke, D Teketay, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1576, 2019
Performance of high resolution satellite rainfall products over data scarce parts of Eastern Ethiopia
SB Gebere, T Alamirew, BJ Merkel, AM Melesse
Remote sensing 7 (9), 11639-11663, 2015
Status and potential of spate irrigation in Ethiopia
F Steenbergen, AM Haile, T Alemehayu, T Alamirew, Y Geleta
Water resources management 25, 1899-1913, 2011
The distributional and multi-sectoral impacts of rainfall shocks: Evidence from computable general equilibrium modelling for the Awash Basin, Ethiopia
E Borgomeo, B Vadheim, FB Woldeyes, T Alamirew, S Tamru, KJ Charles, ...
Ecological Economics 146, 621-632, 2018
Impact of land use/land cover dynamics on ecosystem service value—a case from Lake Malombe, Southern Malawi
R Makwinja, E Kaunda, S Mengistou, T Alamirew
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193 (8), 492, 2021
The impact of invasive species on social-ecological systems: Relating supply and use of selected provisioning ecosystem services.
SKC Theo EW Linders, Ketema Bekele, Urs Schaffner, Eric Allan, Tena Alamirew
Ecosystem Services 41 41, 101055, 2020
Water use of Prosopis juliflora and its impacts on catchment water budget and rural livelihoods in Afar Region, Ethiopia
H Shiferaw, T Alamirew, S Dzikiti, W Bewket, G Zeleke, U Schaffner
Scientific reports 11 (1), 2688, 2021
Rainfall seasonality and timing: implications for cereal crop production in Ethiopia
MT Wakjira, N Peleg, D Anghileri, D Molnar, T Alamirew, J Six, P Molnar
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 310, 108633, 2021
Streamflow prediction uncertainty analysis and verification of SWAT model in a tropical watershed
HM Yesuf, AM Melesse, G Zeleke, T Alamirew
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-16, 2016
Evaluating InVEST model for estimating soil loss and sediment export in data scarce regions of the Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) Basin: Implications for land managers
T Gashaw, A Bantider, G Zeleke, T Alamirew, W Jemberu, AW Worqlul, ...
Environmental Challenges 5, 100381, 2021
Land use and land cover dynamics in the Keleta watershed, Awash River basin, Ethiopia
D Bekele, T Alamirew, A Kebede, G Zeleke, AM Melesse
Environmental hazards 18 (3), 246-265, 2019
Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices on soil erosion reduction using the SWAT Model: for the case of Gumara watershed, Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) Basin
T Gashaw, YT Dile, AW Worqlul, A Bantider, G Zeleke, W Bewket, ...
Environmental Management 68 (2), 240-261, 2021
Projected changes in extreme precipitation indices from CORDEX simulations over Ethiopia, East Africa
G Tegegne, AM Melesse, T Alamirew
Atmospheric Research 247, 105156, 2021
Effect of land use land cover and climate change on river flow and soil loss in Didessa River Basin, South West Blue Nile, Ethiopia
K Chimdessa, S Quraishi, A Kebede, T Alamirew
Hydrology 6 (1), 2, 2018
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Articles 1–20