Joep Hofhuis
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Cited by
Social Identity Patterns in Culturally Diverse Organizations: The Role of Diversity Climate
J Hofhuis, KI van der Zee, S Otten
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (4), 964-989, 2012
Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication
J Hofhuis, PGA van der Rijt, M Vlug
SpringerPlus 5 (1), 1-14, 2016
Measuring employee perception on the effects of cultural diversity at work: development of the Benefits and Threats of Diversity Scale
J Hofhuis, KI van der Zee, S Otten
Quality & Quantity 49 (1), 177-201, 2015
Social Network Sites and acculturation of international sojourners in the Netherlands: The mediating role of psychological alienation and online social support.
J Hofhuis, K Hanke, T Rutten
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 69, 120-130, 2019
Comparing antecedents of voluntary job turnover among majority and minority employees
J Hofhuis, KI Van der Zee, S Otten
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 33 (8), 735-749, 2014
Can TV shows promote acceptance of sexual and ethnic minorities? A literature review of television effects on diversity attitudes
BG Żerebecki, SJ Opree, J Hofhuis, S Janssen
Sociology Compass 15 (8), e12906, 2021
Does functional diversity increase effectiveness of community care teams? The moderating role of shared vision, interaction frequency, and team reflexivity
J Hofhuis, M Mensen, LM ten Den, AM van den Berg, M Koopman‐Draijer, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48 (10), 535-548, 2018
Dealing with differences: the impact of perceived diversity outcomes on selection and assessment of minority candidates
J Hofhuis, KI van der Zee, S Otten
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 27 (12), 1319-1339, 2016
Common sense or censorship: How algorithmic moderators and message type influence perceptions of online content deletion
J Gonçalves, I Weber, GM Masullo, M Torres da Silva, J Hofhuis
New Media & Society 25 (10), 2595–2617, 2023
Human and Global Identities: Different Prototypical Meanings of All‐Inclusive Identities
M Carmona, D Sindic, R Guerra, J Hofhuis
Political Psychology 41 (5), 961-978, 2020
Multicultural personality and effectiveness in an intercultural training simulation: The role of stress and pro-active communication
J Hofhuis, MF Schilderman, A Verdooren
International Journal of Psychology 55 (5), 812-821, 2020
Validation of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire Short Form (MPQ-SF) for use in the context of international education
J Hofhuis, J Jongerling, KI Van der Zee, J Jansz
PLoS ONE 15 (12), e0244425., 2020
Uitstroom van Allochtonen bij de Rijksoverheid
J Hofhuis, K Van der Zee, S Otten
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Instituut voor Integratie en Sociale Weerbaarheid, 2008
Conflict management styles across cultures
KI Van der Zee, J Hofhuis
International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, 2017
Unpacking all-inclusive superordinate categories: Comparing correlates and consequences of global citizenship and human identities
M Carmona, R Guerra, JF Dovidio, J Hofhuis, D Sindic
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
What does It mean to be a “Citizen of the World”: A prototype approach
M Carmona, R Guerra, J Hofhuis
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53 (6), 547–569, 2022
Social Media Use, Social Identification and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of International Students: A Longitudinal Examination
L Gaitán-Aguilar, J Hofhuis, K Bierwiaczonek, C Carmona
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
The effect of social network sites on international students' acculturation, adaptation and well-being
J Hofhuis, MC van Egmond, FE Lutz, K von Reventlow, A Rohmann
Frontiers in Communication 8, 1186527, 2023
Who benefits from the international classroom? A longitudinal examination of multicultural personality development during one year of international higher education.
J Hofhuis, J Jongerling, J Jansz
Higher Education 87, 1043–1059, 2024
Successful Minority Representations on TV Count: A Quantitative Content Analysis Approach
BG Żerebecki, SJ Opree, J Hofhuis, S Janssen
Journal of Homosexuality 71 (7), 1703-1726, 2024
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Articles 1–20