Marc van de Wardt
Marc van de Wardt
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Exploiting the cracks: Wedge issues in multiparty competition
M Van de Wardt, CE De Vries, SB Hobolt
The Journal of Politics 76 (4), 986-999, 2014
Desperate needs, desperate deeds: Why mainstream parties respond to the issues of niche parties
M Van de Wardt
West European Politics 38 (1), 93-122, 2015
How aspiration to office conditions the impact of government participation on party platform change
G Schumacher, M Van de Wardt, B Vis, MB Klitgaard
American Journal of Political Science 59 (4), 1040-1054, 2015
Representing their own? Ethnic minority women in the Dutch Parliament
LM Mügge, DJ van der Pas, M van de Wardt
West European Politics 42 (4), 705-727, 2019
Putting the damper on: Do parties de-emphasize issues in response to internal divisions among their supporters?
M Van de Wardt
Party Politics 20 (3), 330-340, 2014
EU issue salience and domestic party competition
CE De Vries, M Van de Wardt
Issue salience in international politics, 173-187, 2011
Ecologies of ideologies: Explaining party entry and exit in West-European parliaments, 1945–2013
M Van de Wardt, J Berkhout, F Vermeulen
European Union Politics 18 (2), 239-259, 2017
Explaining the effective number of parties: Beyond the standard model
M Van de Wardt
Electoral Studies 45, 44-54, 2017
Birds of a feather flock together? The survival of underrepresented groups within parliamentary parties, 1991–2015
M Van De Wardt, A Van Witteloostuijn, A Chambers, B Wauters
European Journal of Political Research 60 (2), 474-496, 2021
Mind the gap: How party–voter incongruence fuels the entry and support of new parties
M Van De Wardt, S Otjes
European Journal of Political Research 61 (1), 194-213, 2022
Adapt or perish? How parties respond to party system saturation in 21 western democracies, 1945–2011
M Van de Wardt, A Van Witteloostuijn
British Journal of Political Science 51 (1), 16-38, 2021
Conforming to the dominant discourse: framing distance and multiparty competition
M van de Wardt
West European Politics 38 (4), 839-868, 2015
Codebook and data collection guidelines of work package 1 on descriptive political representation in regional parliaments of the project pathways to power
L Morales, D Vintila, L Geese, L Mügge, D van Der Pas, M van de Ward
Harvard Dataverse, 2017
Survival of the fittest. Comparing entry and exit among niche and mainstream parties in advanced democracies, 1945–2011
M Van de Wardt, J Berkhout, F Vermeulen
Electoral Studies 69, 102261, 2021
Introductie: Personalisering van de politiek: een multidimensioneel begrip
P Van Aelst, K Aarts
Res Publica 57 (1), 2015
De Vries, and Sara B
M Van de Wardt, E Catherine
Hobolt, 2014
De Vries and Sara B. Hobolt..“Exploiting the Cracks: Wedge Issues in Multiparty Competition.”
M van de Wardt, E Catherine
The Journal of Politics (), 0
Irrational parties, rational voters? Examining how new parties and voters react to party voter incongruence
MP Van de Wardt, O Simon
ECPR General Conference, 2018
The impact of Societal Factors, Mainstream Parties and Niche Parties on the Politicization of Niche Party Issues: The Danish Case
M van de Wardt
6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2011
One more time? Parties’ repeated electoral entry in younger democracies
R Ibenskas, M van de Wardt
American Journal of Political Science 68 (3), 1122-1138, 2024
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