Roos Schelvis
Roos Schelvis
Senior researcher 'Mental Health at Work' at Amsterdam UMC (location AMC)
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New ways of working: does flexibility in time and location of work change work behavior and affect business outcomes?
MM Blok, L Groenesteijn, R Schelvis, P Vink
Work 41 (Supplement 1), 2605-2610, 2012
Evaluation of occupational health interventions using a randomized controlled trial: challenges and alternative research designs
RMC Schelvis, KMO Hengel, A Burdorf, BM Blatter, JE Strijk, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 491-503, 2015
Exploring teacher and school resilience as a new perspective to solve persistent problems in the educational sector
RMC Schelvis, GIJM Zwetsloot, EH Bos, NM Wiezer
Teachers and Teaching 20 (5), 622-637, 2014
Process variables in organizational stress management intervention evaluation research: a systematic review
BM Havermans, RMC Schelvis, CRL Boot, EPM Brouwers, JR Anema, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 371-381, 2016
Design of the Bottom-up Innovation project-a participatory, primary preventive, organizational level intervention on work-related stress and well-being for workers in Dutch …
RMC Schelvis, KM Oude Hengel, NM Wiezer, BM Blatter, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-15, 2013
Evaluating the implementation process of a participatory organizational level occupational health intervention in schools
RMC Schelvis, NM Wiezer, BM Blatter, JAGM van Genabeek, ...
BMC Public Health 16, 1-20, 2016
The effect of an organizational level participatory intervention in secondary vocational education on work-related health outcomes: results of a controlled trial
RMC Schelvis, NM Wiezer, AJ Van der Beek, JWR Twisk, ET Bohlmeijer, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-14, 2017
Relations between psychosocial job characteristics and work ability in employees with chronic headaches
MP van der Doef, RMC Schelvis
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 29, 119-127, 2019
A within-person approach to the relation between quality of task motivation, performance and job satisfaction in everyday working life
K Hogenelst, R Schelvis, T Krone, M Gagné, M Heino, K Knittle, ...
Motivation and Emotion 46 (5), 588-600, 2022
Werkdruk in het onderwijs
L Hummel, WE Hooftman, R Schelvis
TNO, 2019
NM Wiezer, R Schelvis, M Van Zwieten, KO Kraan, M Van der Klauw, ...
TNO, 2012
Gezonde School in het MBO: inventarisatie van aanbod en opstellen van een ontwikkelagenda
D Schokker, H van Keulen, E Vlasblom, L Peters, R Schelvis, J Jansen, ...
Leiden: TNO, 2014
Werkdruk wegwijzer 2021
N Wiezer, R Schelvis
TNO, 2021
De nieuwe factor: werkstress verminderen in het onderwijs
RMC Schelvis
Tijdschrift voor Human Factors 43 (43), 24, 2018
Decreasing work stress in teachers
RMC Schelvis
Werkgerelateerde kanker uitbannen
W Fransman, A Pronk, RMC Schelvis, AMM Moons
TNO, 2017
Work engagement: drivers and effects
MMC Bakhuys Roozeboom, R Schelvis
TNO, 2014
Werkdruk (rapport R12-10877
N Wiezer, R Schelvis, M van Zwieten, K Kraan, M van der Klauw, ...
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2013
Gezond reorganiseren. Hoe te reorganiseren met behoud van welbevinden van medewerkers?
K Pahkin, P Mattila-Holappa, K Nielsen, N Wiezer, M Widerszal-Bazyl, ...
PSYRES Consortium, 2011
Process Evaluation of a Work Stress Prevention Approach in Primary Education: Exploring the Added Value of Real-Time Feedback During Implementation
MCB Roozeboom, IMW Niks, MHJ van Zwieten, NM Wiezer, CRL Boot, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 10.1097, 2023
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