Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur (UNTELS)
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Automatic classification of pediatric pneumonia based on lung ultrasound pattern recognition
M Correa, M Zimic, F Barrientos, R Barrientos, A Román-Gonzalez, ...
PLOS ONE 13 (12), e0206410, 2018
Developing an eye-tracking algorithm as a potential tool for early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children
NI Vargas-Cuentas, A Roman-Gonzalez, RH Gilman, F Barrientos, J Ting, ...
PloS one 12 (11), e0188826, 2017
EEG signal processing for BCI applications
A Roman-Gonzalez
Human–Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2, 571-591, 2012
Machine learning techniques to visualize and predict terrorist attacks worldwide using the global terrorism database
EL Huamaní, MA Alva, A Roman-Gonzalez
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (4), 2020
Análisis de imágenes hiperespectrales
A Roman-Gonzalez, NI Vargas-Cuentas
Revista Ingenieria & Desarrollo 9 (35), 14-17, 2013
Design of a Vehicle Driver Drowsiness Detection System Through Image Processing using Matlab
M Yauri-Machaca, B Meneses-Claudio, N Vargas-Cuentas, ...
2018 IEEE 38th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVIII), 1-6, 2018
Clasificación de datos basado en compresión
A Roman-Gonzalez
Revista ECIPeru 9 (1), 69-74, 2012
Automatic detection of pneumonia analyzing ultrasound digital images
R Barrientos, A Roman-Gonzalez, F Barrientos, L Solis, M Correa, ...
Central American and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVI), 2016 IEEE 36th, 1-4, 2016
Diagnosis of autism using an eye tracking system
NI Vargas-Cuentas, D Hidalgo, A Roman-Gonzalez, M Power, RH Gilman, ...
2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 624-627, 2016
Tecnología aeroespacial en el mundo
A Roman-Gonzalez, NI Vargas-Cuentas
Electro i+ d 1 (1), 48-52, 2012
Image classification using data compression techniques
MR Quispe-Ayala, K Asalde-Alvarez, A Roman-Gonzalez
Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), 2010 IEEE 26th …, 2010
Design and construction of a module for the dynamic excitation and vibrational analysis of structures
A Roman-Gonzalez
Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2010
South American Space Era
B Sarli, M Cabero, A Lopez, J Cardoso, D Jimenez, A Roman-Gonzalez, ...
66th International Astronautical Congress-IAC 2015, 11, 2015
Aerospace technology in peru
A Roman-Gonzalez, NI Vargas-Cuentas
66th International Astronautical Congress-IAC 2015, 6, 2015
Design of Biomedical Soft Robotic Device for Lower Limbs Mechanical Muscle Rehabilitation and Electrochemical Monitoring under Reduced-Gravity Space Environment
V Ticllacuri, J Cornejo, N Castrejon, AB Diaz, K Hinostroza, D Dev, ...
2021 IEEE URUCON, 227-231, 2021
A Functional Model for Unifying Brain Computer Interface Terminology
C Easttom, L Bianchi, D Valeriani, CS Nam, A Hossaini, D Zapała, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2021
System of Communication and Control based on the Thought
A Roman-Gonzalez
Human System Interactions (HSI), 2010 3rd Conference on, 275-280, 2010
Method for the Automatic Segmentation of the Palpebral Conjunctiva using Image Processing
G Delgado-Rivera, A Roman-Gonzalez, A Alva-Mantari, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIII Congress of the …, 2018
Implementation of a brain-machine interface for controlling a wheelchair
W Alvarado-Díaz, B Meneses-Claudio, A Roman-Gonzalez
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2017
Autism Detection in Children by Combined Use of Gaze Preference and the M-CHAT-R in a Resource-Scarce Setting
K Jensen, S Noazin, L Bitterfeld, A Carcelen, NI Vargas-Cuentas, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51 (3), 994-1006, 2021
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