Laura Vergani
Laura Vergani
professore di Costruzione di macchine, politecnico di Milano
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Cited by
static and fatigue characterization of new basalt fibre reinforced composites
C Colombo, L Vergani, M Burman
Composite structures 94 (3), 1165-1174, 2012
Bone‐inspired materials by design: toughness amplification observed using 3D printing and testing
F Libonati, GX Gu, Z Qin, L Vergani, MJ Buehler
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (8), 1354-1363, 2016
Shape-matching soft mechanical metamaterials
MJ Mirzaali, S Janbaz, M Strano, L Vergani, AA Zadpoor
Scientific reports 8 (1), 965, 2018
An approach for prediction of fatigue strength of shot peened components (
M Guagliano, L Vergani
Engineering fracture mechanics 71 (4-6), 501-512, 2004
Multi-material 3D printed mechanical metamaterials: Rational design of elastic properties through spatial distribution of hard and soft phases
MJ Mirzaali, A Caracciolo, H Pahlavani, S Janbaz, L Vergani, AA Zadpoor
Applied Physics Letters 113 (24), 2018
Rational design of soft mechanical metamaterials: Independent tailoring of elastic properties with randomness
MJ Mirzaali, R Hedayati, P Vena, L Vergani, M Strano, AA Zadpoor
Applied Physics Letters 111 (5), 2017
Influence of hydrogen and low temperature on mechanical behaviour of two pipeline steels
P Fassina, F Bolzoni, G Fumagalli, L Lazzari, L Vergani, A Sciuccati
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 81, 43-55, 2012
Optimization of filament winding parameters for the design of a composite pipe
C Colombo, L Vergani
Composites Part B: Engineering 148, 207-216, 2018
Effect of hydrogen and low temperature on fatigue crack growth of pipeline steels
P Fassina, MF Brunella, L Lazzari, G Re, L Vergani, A Sciuccati
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 103, 10-25, 2013
Fatigue behaviour of a GFRP laminate by thermographic measurements
C Colombo, F Libonati, F Pezzani, A Salerno, L Vergani
Procedia Engineering 10, 3518-3527, 2011
A review of thermographic techniques for damage investigation in composites
L Vergani, C Colombo, F Libonati
Fract. Struct. Integr. Ann 8 (10.3221), 2014
Damage assessment of composite materials by means of thermographic analyses
F Libonati, L Vergani
Composites Part B: engineering 50, 82-90, 2013
Understanding the structure–property relationship in cortical bone to design a biomimetic composite
F Libonati, L Vergani
Composite Structures 139, 188-198, 2016
Fatigue behavior of hydrogen pre-charged low alloy Cr–Mo steel
C Colombo, G Fumagalli, F Bolzoni, G Gobbi, L Vergani
International Journal of Fatigue 83, 2-9, 2016
Mechanics of collagen–hydroxyapatite model nanocomposites
F Libonati, AK Nair, L Vergani, MJ Buehler
Mechanics Research Communications 58, 17-23, 2014
Experimental and numerical analysis of sub-surface cracks in railway wheels
M Guagliano, L Vergani
Engineering Fracture mechanics 72 (2), 255-269, 2005
Influence of delamination on fatigue properties of a fibreglass composite
C Colombo, L Vergani
Composite Structures 107, 325-333, 2014
Fatigue crack growth prediction in specimens similar to spur gear teeth
A Blarasin, M Guagliano, L Vergani
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 20 (8), 1171-1182, 1997
Effect of nitriding on low-cycle fatigue properties
M Guagliano, L Vergani
International journal of fatigue 19 (1), 67-73, 1997
Bone-inspired enhanced fracture toughness of de novo fiber reinforced composites
F Libonati, AE Vellwock, F Ielmini, D Abliz, G Ziegmann, L Vergani
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3142, 2019
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Articles 1–20